Italy, Spalletti among giants, heroes, PlayStation and Barella: the coach’s first outburst

Italy, Spalletti among giants, heroes, PlayStation and Barella: the coach’s first outburst
Italy, Spalletti among giants, heroes, PlayStation and Barella: the coach’s first outburst

Tomorrow is the big day of Italy’s debut at Euro2024 against Albania. Spalletti’s feelings 24 hours after the first match: “There will be 60,000 of us on the pitch”

Here we are. Tomorrow is the big day of Italy’s debut at Euro2024. Spalletti is ready for the premiere with theAlbania: the choices in view of the match in Dortmund, the point about the injured players and the feelings of the coach in the usual press conference on the eve of it.

Euro2024, Italy ready for its debut: Spalletti’s sensations

“There is a bit of emotion, because when you get to play matches at this level you feel it a bit. But it is not a toxic emotionit’s a positive emotion that transforms this stadium in Dortmund into a wonderful place” he confessed Luciano Spalletti to the Rai microphones. Against theAlbania the coach calls on the Italian public to rally. “Here there will be many opposing fans in the stands, but we will have 60 thousand on the field because we ask our fans to play with us.”

The point about the injured: here’s how Barella is doing

The focus is all on Stretcher’s condition. But Spalletti still won’t say too much about the use of Inter’s strong midfielder against Albania from the first minute. “Barella has recovered, let’s see if he will do all the training again today and tomorrow morning, then we’ll decide.” But the feeling is that we will avoid forcing our hand, because Nicolò is too important for the future path of the national team in Germany. “He’s the one who knows how to do the most things, he has a free and clean kick and consequently we count on it” underlines the coach.

The giants and the heroes: Spalletti charges the environment

When it comes to delivering motivational speeches, Spalletti has few rivals. So to Sky in view of the match against Albania: “Us at the moment we are giants and the giants have well-defined behaviors. We are heroes and heroes care about situations that affect not only themselves but also others.” He then adds: “The most common thing that was told to me is that we have little time to train the national team. But if you are dealing with a group like this where you have total availability everything becomes easier. If you have this availability, what you get in one training session is equivalent to ten training sessions with a club.” On Calafiori: “He has already shown that he can be trusted and He has the qualities of an international footballer. When you have the ball you’re a defender, but when he has it you have to chase him because he’s the one who wants to score goals.”

We return to the PlayStation issue: Spalletti’s clarification

Spalletti clarified in the press conference the day before: “It’s not true that I said that you can’t play PlayStation: I said that you can’t stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning, it’s another thing. We need to have a correct lifestyle to show the best of ourselves during the race.” Then he continues: “We are the protagonists of every Italian’s dream who as a child left school with the ball under his arm and returned home in the evening sweaty and with scraped knees. For our compatriots we are heroes, giants, we cannot help but put everything into the match.”

The module, the replacement of Acerbi and Scamacca

The coach prefers not to provide too many indications. “Mancini has experiencebut Bastoni can also be a leader. Good morning and Calafiori they have the makings of those who want to reach a high level. But the whole group is very serious and works in the correct way.” On Scamacca: “He has grown a lot in recent times. He is a complete player, he has everything. Sometimes he has to compare his own performance with that of others.” Will he be a three or four defense? “We can decide to play with four, but also with three in an offensive way: if you can command then you decide”.

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