Milan is guilty of “formats”

Among the many organizational logics that then shape a sporting season there are certainly those that concern the registration of the squad in the various competitions. For many, commentators and fans, it is important that Milan forms a group of “Italian” players who serve as a hard core and embody the values ​​and traditions of the club. Whether questionable or not, this thought is reflected, at least in part, in the rules that regulate the composition of the teams to be registered in Serie A and the Champions League: the clubs are obliged to present, in the list of 25 players, at least 8 trained players, divided Between trained in national nurseries (Players who between 15 and 21 years of age for three sporting seasons, or 18 months, continuous or otherwise, have played in a club belonging to the same federation) and trained in the club’s academy (Players who between 15 and 21 years of age have played for Milan for three sporting seasons, or 18 months, continuous or otherwise).

To date, at the opening of the transfer market and in light of the farewells at the end of the season, how is Milan doing? Are these situations that will also determine market choices? We will only discover this by living. Meanwhile, to date, this is the situation in the club between the various “formats”.


Davide Calabria
Matteo Gabbia
(Lorenzo Colombo)
(Daniel Maldini)


Marco Sportiello
Alessandro Florenzi
Filippo Terracciano

They are therefore missing, taking it for granted that Columbus And Maldini three players will not remain at the club and will leave during the summer. Lapo Nava it could be a solution to cover one of the format holes in the club as well as Kevin Zeroli or David Bartesaghi, but it is also true that both in Serie A and in the Champions League (list B) they can be registered without occupying one of the 25 slots. It will then be necessary to understand which of them will be employed in the U23 trainingshould the Rossoneri project for the second team in Serie C come to fruition.

It is therefore reasonable to think that some market operations, we will see if larger or smaller, could also be carried out from this perspective. Alexander Good morningjust to mention a name that has been linked to Milan for months now, would be a winning move also in this sense given that it would be one of the formats in the national academy: these will be situations to be monitored and evaluated carefully so as not to end up playing the next Champions League without all actual registration slots made available by UEFA.

Another aspect that will certainly have to be considered, and this year fortunately is less stringent than in the past, is that which concerns the limit of new non-EU citizens to be registered in the squad. From this year there will be two, as announced by Lega president Lorenzo Casini: “The Council decided to adjust the number of non-EU citizens who can arrive in Italy each year. Previously there were 2, one of which was a replacement, from now there will always be 2 slots for non-EU citizens, but without any replacement restriction. I thank the AIC, which understood the teams’ needs and showed openness on this front.” Furthermore, since last year, English footballers have been equated in every way with EU footballers despite the Brexit: a change that arrived during the current transfer market for which Milan paid for themselves.

This year, fortunately, the new rules arrived at the right time, useful for giving the clubs the right time to organize themselves in the best possible way: Milan will have to make very important choices on the market in the summer, always keeping in mind the registration rules that we have provided to list and explain in this article.

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