epochal turning point, what will you find in a little while

epochal turning point, what will you find in a little while
epochal turning point, what will you find in a little while

What is about to change in supermarkets, the turning point that will soon arrive on the shopping shelves of large-scale distribution.

News for supermarket customers (codiciateco.it)

A very important moment is approaching for the large-scale distribution and consequently for millions of consumersinvolved in an epochal change. One of the great innovations of the past was the barcode which we find in all product packaging in supermarkets.

The code was introduced way back in 1974 with a series of information intended for the retailer and the manufacturer. Data needed for theproduct identificationincluding the price as all consumers have learned to know. But the consumer was not aware of all the other data contained in the code. In fact, to read the code, a specific equipment. However, technology has come a long way in recent years and things are about to change.

Supermarkets, what will change soon

Qr code, how it will be used in the future (codiciateco.it)

The great innovation decided and agreed upon by the major companies in the sector includes a project called Sunrise 2027. The objective of the program is to adopt the codes by 2027 QR standard Gs1 instead of the bar one. The big manufacturing and distributing companies have agreed to retire the previous technology with specific purposes.

The end is make packaging easierbut above all give consumers the opportunity to have more information on what they are about to buy. The QR code can in fact be used in a similar way to the use that is made of it to read and retrieve information, lists, programs, for example as is done with the menus of many restaurants.

With the agreement of the multinationals, the QR code will be introduced gradually on all packages replacing the old barcode within a few years. The innovation will enable the customer to have more and more valuable information. The choices will thus be more aware and smart. It is overcome with this technology, the packaging size for more comprehensive data. Not just greater awareness

In fact, with the QR it will be possible to have a greater control of the supply chain from provenance to detailed composition, frominformation on the benefits of recycling to the reuse of packaging, to the sustainability of the product. Furthermore, a whole range of series of information concerning the nutritional aspect and food health in general (allergies, intolerances, obesity and so on), with greater space for storage and expiry times.

The adoption of the QR code will be facilitated by wide readership among all consumers. Enough the camera on your cell phone to have all the more information. The effect will also be to have less writing on the packaging, with the essential data and much more information with QR code.

So manufacturers will gradually introduce the new code format on packaging of products, while retailers will have to ensure that their point of sale checkouts are equipped to read the new format.

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