The Fauniera still submerged in snow: “Fausto Coppi” launches a fundraiser to reopen the hill

The Fauniera still submerged in snow: “Fausto Coppi” launches a fundraiser to reopen the hill
The Fauniera still submerged in snow: “Fausto Coppi” launches a fundraiser to reopen the hill

Fauniera, the historic hill, legend of cycling and international granfondo The Fausto Coppi Officine Mattio (scheduled for Sunday 30 June with departure and arrival in Cuneo where over two thousand cyclists are expected to arrive from all over the world) needs the help of all mountain lovers. An extraordinary spring with heavy late snowfalls has only a few days ago allowed the start of work to restore the road that goes up from Castelmagno to reach Demonte. Colle Fauniera is currently closed. The route must be opened and made safe, ASD Fausto Coppi found itself faced with an emergency on the road.

In agreement with the Municipalities of Castelmagno and Demonte, it immediately made itself available, with the collaboration of the manager of the Fauniera Refuge, to have the snow removed from Castelmagno to the Esischie hill. Now, however, it is necessary to reach the top of Fauniera at 2481 meters above sea level, to give Castelmagno and Demonte the opportunity to proceed with the extraordinary maintenance works.

To reopen the road, it will also be necessary to use the sweeper to eliminate gravel, sand, debris and small stones, as well as closing potholes and fixing depressions in the asphalt. For this reason the association is launching an appeal and asking for the support of all mountain and cycling lovers. A Satispay account and an IBAN of the Intesa San Paolo bank (IT75K0306910200100000078845) have been activated for a contribution that helps ASD Fausto Coppi on the road to pay these additional expenses.

Every sum, small or large, will be an important help and will allow us to safely welcome anyone who loves these beautiful mountains, not just cyclists.

The ASD will keep everyone updated on the outcome of the fundraising and the expenses that will be incurred, via the website See you on June 30th for a great day of sport in the Cuneo valleys“, we read in the press release released by the association.

(NOTE: In tax returns 730 or Income, an amount equal to 19 percent of traceable donations in cash made by natural persons to amateur sports clubs and associations is deducted from the gross tax).

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