Capital gains As Roma, the investigation reaches Inter

The investigation into AS Roma’s capital gains also puts Inter in the crosshairs. On April 22, the prosecutor’s office served the former president of the Giallorossi James Pallotta and the CEO Guido Fienga with the notice of conclusion of investigations for the crime of complicity in false company communications. In the crosshairs, explains today Daily fact, the exchanges with Juventus involving Luca Pellegrini and Leonardo Spinazzola. But in the file there are also details of the Nainggolan deal with Inter. And the related acquisitions of the cards of Davide Santon and Niccolò Zaniolo. The Belgian, paid 38 million euros, generated a capital gain of 34.1 instead of 24 million. Due to the prices of Zaniolo (4.5 million) and Santon (9.5). The Guardia di Finanza in its report to the prosecutor’s office writes that «in the context of the ‘mirror’ operations examined, it seems that accounting has no longer assumed the role of a means, but that (…) of an end. That is to say that in order to be able to account for a higher capital gain than the actual one (…) it was decided to set the values ​​of the players being exchanged at a price different from that which would have been established if the decision had led to an increase in liquidity to be use for the operation.”

The internal investigation

Then there is the internal investigation of the Giallorossi, started before the investigation. The Californian law firm Orrick puts the spotlight on the cases then investigated by the prosecutor’s office. The document lists four emails from Inter headquarters, both signed by the then general secretary Massimo Cosentino. The first is dated 20 June 2018 and included the draft transfer agreements relating to the three players. The other three emails, however, are all dated 25 June 2018 and in each of them there is attached a transfer agreement (the definitive contracts) for each athlete. The electronic correspondence then continues and ends on 3 July 2018 with an internal email to the Roma managers entitled “Capital gains at 30.06.2018” (capital gains as of 30 June 2018) and the figure of 31.9 million. Now it will be up to the Milan prosecutor’s office.

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