European elections Germany, the government of the losers: in addition to the victory of the AfD, it is the defeat of Scholz’s SPD and the Greens

European elections Germany, the government of the losers: in addition to the victory of the AfD, it is the defeat of Scholz’s SPD and the Greens
European elections Germany, the government of the losers: in addition to the victory of the AfD, it is the defeat of Scholz’s SPD and the Greens

The first fact that catches the eye is the far-right AfD in second place. But the results of the European elections in Germany above all say something else: the country’s government is governed by three parties, all of which were heavily rejected in the vote. So much so that the “traffic light” – formed by SPD, Greens and FDP – has already been set […]




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The first fact that catches the eye is the ultra-right of AfD in second place. But the results of the European elections in Germany Above all, they say one thing else: there are three parties in government of the country, all of which are leaving heavily fail from the vote. So much so that the “traffic light” – made up of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP – has already been renamed “the coalition of losers“. Regardless of what the definitive data will emerge from the polls, the first projections are already sentences. The Chancellor’s Socialists Olaf Scholz I’m also behind theAlternatives for Germany and they garner half the support compared to the Cdu/Csuwhich with the 30% of consensus it clearly stands out as the leading party in the country. THE greens they pay the government for the experience collapsing more than anyone compared to the European elections in 2019. I liberals of Fdp dance dangerously around the 5%the threshold below which it would even end up outside the federal elections Bundestag.

The SPD towards its worst result – If the far-right celebrates what the AfD co-leader Tino Chrupalla defines an outcome”historical“, the forces in government find themselves more fragile that never. No one in the coalition can be satisfied. And the defeat at the polls will end up intensifying the contrasts. Above all, one person is already under great pressure: Chancellor Scholz. The SPD risks signing the worst result never achieved in all 10 European elections held so far: the negative record was 15.8% of 2019. The party, while admitting the “hard defeat”, tried to rally around its leader: “The Federal Chancellor is at the head of this government, which we formed together with three parties, and will continue to be one”, said the co-president of the Social Democratic Party, Saskia Esken.

Chancellor Scholz under pressure – The fact that he had to underline it, however, is a sign of the alert level. Also because the CDU, thanks to the result of the polls, already presses on Scholz: “Today is a serious defeat for the chancellorwho put his face on election posters,” he said Friedrich Merz, leader of the German People’s Party. Who then invited Scholz to support the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen (of the CDU) in his candidacy for a second mandate. While the general secretary of the CDU, Carsten Linnemannasked the chancellor to undergo a vote of confidence in Parliament. A request that has the strength of the electoral results: the first two opposition forces are also the first at the polls. And the CDU alone achieved almost the same votes from the three forces in government.

The collapse of the Greens and AfD first force in the East – If Scholz and the SPD have to deal with defeat, the Greens see a real one materialize hemorrhage Of consensus. They are the party that lost the most votes compared to the last European elections – they had exceeded the 20% – but they also lose compared to the last federal elections. The trend continues to be negative. As well as for the liberals of Christian Lindner: the FDP was even overtaken by theSahra Wagenknecht alliance (Bsw), the newly formed group of left-wing populists led by the former face of Linke. Wagenknecht’s result matches that of the AfD. “We are ahead of the chancellor’s party, ahead of the Greens and the FDP liberals. And we also want to win the next elections in Germany”, underlined the leader of the ultra-right Chrupalla. In the youth vote (16-24 years), CDU and Afd would be tied at 17%, with an increase of 12 points compared to 2019 of young far-right voters. Above all, the AfD is the first party in the former GDR: in the eastern part of Germany, where it was already traditionally strong, the far-right is also ahead of the CDU. While Scholz’s SPD is also overtaken by Wagenknecht’s party. There are two more alarm bells for the government. And on September 1st we vote Saxony.

What will the CDU do – The vote in the eastern Land with Dresden as its capital will also forcefully propose another issue: what the country will do Cdu? One of the legacies of Angela Merkel in fact it is the veto to any alliance with AfD. A diktat that has never fallen so far, but which could become a problem if the ultra-right party continues to grow. For now, to confirm the line, he spoke atHandle the president of the EPP, Manfred Weber: “Afd is a very specific party, with a very specific face: many of them are real nationalists And neo-Nazis. They believe in an ideology dangerous. The Christian Democrats of the EPP will always be in the front row to defend our Europe.” “The EU we defend is that of De Gasperi, Schuman, Adenauer – he underlined – We are proud of our Europe and we will defend it from those who want to destroy it. Today’s result is motivating for us, the EPP is the only democratic center party that gained seats”.

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