The complete text of the tracks for the first final exam in 2024

The over 500 thousand high school graduates who took the first high school exam today found themselves faced with the following clues. Alongside the return of more obvious authors, such as Pirandello And Ungarettiseveral texts had not been foreseen by the “toto-traces” made by the students.

The ironic comments on social media on the traces of graduation: after Caproni, the former graduates rebel against Pirandello and Ungaretti

by Giulia D’Aleo

June 19, 2024

The focuses: ‘Pilgrimage’ by Ungaretti | ‘Serafino Gubbio’ by Pirandello | Nicoletta Polla Mattiot and the praise of silence | Maria Agostina Cabiddu and the intuition of the constituents | Maurizio Caminito on Selfie and blog

Comments and analyses:

Type A – Analysis and interpretation of an Italian literary text. Proposal A1

Giuseppe Ungaretti, Pilgrimage, in Life of a Man. All the poems, edited by Leone Piccioni, Mondadori, Milan, 2005.

Valloncello dell’Albero Isolated on 16 August 1916



Pellegrinaggio is part of the collection L’Allegria, published in 1931, which testifies to the biographical and realistic intensity as well as the search for grandfather forms of the lyrics of Giuseppe Ungaretti (1888 – 1970). The poem draws inspiration from Ungaretti’s experience during the First World War.

Understanding and analysis

You can respond point by point or construct a single speech that includes the answers to all the questions proposed.

1. Briefly present the content of the poem and describe its metrical structure.

2. Identify the similes used by Ungaretti in the first part of the poem and illustrate their meaning.

3. Why does the poet refer to himself as a ‘man of sorrow’?

4. The final part of the composition expresses the will to survive through the use of an image related to the theme of light: illustrate and comment on it.


Referring to the poetic production of Ungaretti and/or other authors or art forms known to you, elaborate your reflection on the ways in which literature and/or other arts deal with the drama of war and human suffering.

Ungaretti, the poem Pilgrimage among the traces of the first final exam of 2024: “The great relevance of a man who drags himself through the rubble”

edited by the Cronaca editorial team

June 19, 2024

Type A – Analysis and interpretation of an Italian literary text. Proposal A2

Luigi Pirandello, Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio operator, edition edited by Simona Micali, Feltrinelli, Milan, 2017, pp.12-14.



In the novel published in 1925 with the title Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio editore, Luigi Pirandello (1867 -1936) addresses the theme of technological progress and reflects on its possible effects.

Understanding and analysis

You can respond point by point or construct a single speech that includes the answers to all the questions proposed.

1. Summarize the content of the passage and identify the thesis supported by the protagonist.

2. Pirandello uses numerous expressive devices in the text: identify them and illustrate their purpose.

3. Comment on the phrase ‘For their hunger in the pressing rush to satisfy them, you can and, what do you get from you every day, every hour, every minute?’.

4. Illustrates the vision of the future that Serafino presents when he states: ‘I will enjoy seeing, if you allow, the product that will come out of it. Great product and great fun, I tell you.’


On the basis of the analysis conducted, delve into the overall interpretation of the passage, making use of your personal knowledge and readings, with appropriate links to other texts and authors known to you who present particular references to the effects that technological development can produce on individuals and on the company.

Type B – Argumentative text. Proposal B1

Text taken from: Giuseppe Galasso, History of Europe, Vol. III, Contemporary Age, CDE, Milan, 1998, pp. 441-442.



Understanding and analysis

You can respond point by point or construct a single speech that includes the answers to all the questions proposed.

1. Summarize the content of the passage.

2. According to the historian Giuseppe Galasso (1929 – 2018), what is the meaning of the expressions ‘cold war’ and ‘balance of terror’?

3. Explain why the use of atomic weapons would cause ‘a total catastrophe of the life chances of all humanity’.

4. What are the considerations that, according to the author, motivate ‘the fight against the proliferation of atomic weapons or for disarmament’?


Do you believe that the so-called ‘balance of terror’ can also be considered effective in today’s world, or are you of the opinion that today’s international geopolitical framework requires a different approach to address contemporary scenarios? Develop your arguments organically and coherently, recalling your knowledge of international events, also making reference to artistic, literary, cinematographic and/or theatrical works relevant to the topic.

Valditara would have chosen (he says) the track on Galasso at graduation

June 19, 2024

Type B – Argumentative text. Proposal B2

Text taken from: Maria Agostina Cabiddu, in AIC magazine (Italian Association of Constitutionalists), n° 4/2020 of 11/13/2020, pp. 367, 383 — 384.



Understanding and analysis

You can respond point by point or construct a single speech that includes the answers to all the questions proposed.

1. Summarize the content of the piece in its essential thematic points.

2. Why, in your opinion, is ‘the intuition of the Constituents’ defined as ‘far-sighted’?

3. The passage states that ‘the awareness of the civil function of the historical-artistic heritage has never, in the meantime, waned’: identify the reasons for this belief.

4. Why, in the author’s opinion, cannot the ‘growing demand for “beauty” fall into the ‘category of “luxury goods”‘?


Based on your personal knowledge, your experiences and your sensitivity, develop a text in which you develop your reasoning on the theme proposed in the passage. Argue in such a way that the points of your presentation are organized in a coherent and cohesive text.

Maria Agostina Cabiddu and the intuition of the constituents at the Maturity: “Tell us about the artistic heritage of our country”

by Giulia D’Aleo

June 19, 2024

Type B – Argumentative text. Proposal B3

Text taken from: Nicoletta Polla-Mattiot, Rediscovering silence. Ade, music, poetry, nature between listening and communication, BCDe, Milan, 2013, pp.16-17



Understanding and analysis

You can respond point by point or construct a single speech that includes the answers to all the questions proposed.

1. Summarize the content of the passage and identify the thesis with the supporting arguments.

2. Why is ‘the choice to “stop being silent’ a ritual act of recognition of the other”? Explain the meaning of this sentence in the context of the author’s reasoning.

3. What are the peculiar functions of silence and the benefits it provides to communication?

4. The relationship between speech, silence and thought is recognized in the expression ‘mental space before acoustic’: illustrates this observation.


Comment on the proposed passage, developing your own reflection on the topic as critically outlined by Nicoletta Polla-Mattiot. Do you share the considerations contained in the song? Draft a text in which you express your opinions by organizing your thesis and supporting arguments into a coherent and cohesive speech.

[[(gele.Finegil.StandardArticle2014v1) Nicoletta Polla Mattiot, Riscoprire il silenzio]]

Type C – Current topic. Proposal C1

Text taken from: Rita Levi-Montalcini, In Praise of Imperfection, Baldini + Castoldi Plus, Milan, 2017, page 18.



In the autobiographical work from which the proposed text is taken, Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909 – 2012), Nobel Prize winner for Medicine in 1986, considers imperfection as a value. Starting from the passage and drawing inspiration from your experiences, your knowledge and your readings, reflect on what meaning a ‘praise of imperfection’ can have in contemporary society.

You can divide your essay into appropriately titled paragraphs and present it with an overall title that synthetically expresses its content.

The track dedicated to Rita Levi Montalcini: “He never got down. Even from a failed experiment she learned something new.”

by Elena Dusi

June 19, 2024

Type C – Current topic. Proposal C2

Text taken from: Maurizio Caminito, Profiles, selfies and blogs, in LiBeR 104, (October/December 2014), pp.39-40.



In the passage the author reflects on the change that diary writing has undergone due to the success of blogs and social media: express your point of view on the topic and compare yourself critically with the theses expressed in the text. You can divide your essay into appropriately titled paragraphs and present it with an overall title that synthetically expresses its content.

Maurizio Caminito and his ‘Profiles, selfies and blogs’ at the first high school exam: “I tell the kids to talk about themselves”

by Giulia D’Aleo

June 19, 2024

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