Brindisi weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 28 June

The forecast for Friday 28 June a Toasts they present with clear sky conditions for the entire day. Cloud cover will be 0% during all hours, ensuring a bright and sunny day.

During the morningtemperatures will remain rather stable, with values ​​that will fluctuate between +25.4°C hey +26.5°C. The perception of the temperature will be slightly higher, with values ​​between +25.7°C hey +26.5°C. The wind will blow from the North – North West with increasing intensity, reaching i 35.2km/h at 9:00 am hey 36.5km/h at 11:00 am. Humidity will be maintained around the 62% throughout the morning.

In the afternoonmaximum temperatures will be around +26.9°Cwith a thermal perception that can reach i +28.3°C. The wind will be stronger, with gusts that can reach up to 37.6km/h at 2pm. The humidity will increase slightly, reaching the 65% at 1:00 pm.

In eveningtemperatures will tend to decrease, with values ​​around +24.6°C. The wind will continue to blow from the North – North West, with gusts that could reach 41.6km/h at 11pm. The humidity will increase further, reaching85% at 9pm.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Friday 28 June Toasts indicate a day characterized by clear skies, pleasant temperatures and moderate wind. The weather conditions remain stable for the next few days, ensuring a weekend of good weather and tranquility.

All the weather data for Friday 28 June in Brindisi

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