“from ASL Caserta problems for territorial emergency doctors”

“from ASL Caserta problems for territorial emergency doctors”
“from ASL Caserta problems for territorial emergency doctors”

“The failure to cover the 118 station in Castel Volturno with a territorial emergency doctor who had made himself available but who was instead assigned to Teano, is creating damage and inconvenience to all the medical managers of the service”. This was reported by the president of Saues, an autonomous health emergency union, Paolo Ficco for whom “a company measure is needed that allows the doctor placed in the Teano station to be able to carry out his work, as requested by him, in Castel Volturno”.

“With company resolution no. 100 of 31 May 2024, the ASL Caserta transferred the medical director Alfonso Russo from its headquarters in Teano to that of Castel Volturno and the contracted doctor Giuseppe Donciglio from the SAUT station in Casal di Principe, which was abolished, to that of Teano, even though he had asked to be assigned to the station in Castelvolturno. All this, without having consulted the doctors involved and without having established any criteria”.

“Dr. Russo’s colleagues, out of solidarity with him – Ficco says – made themselves available to take turns working for a month in the SAUT in Castelvolturno so that he could remain in his original location: a damage and inconvenience that could have been avoided by directly assigning Dr. Donciglio to the Castel Volturno location”.

“All this – concludes President Saues – evidently goes beyond the declared need to cover the shifts at Teano and Castel Volturno, as reported to the press, an objective which has nothing to do with a situation of very avoidable discomfort and which, moreover, risks to also reflect on the service itself”.

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