Esther Stocker’s work for the Vittorio Emanuele Metro station in Rome

Esther Stocker’s work for the Vittorio Emanuele Metro station in Rome
Esther Stocker’s work for the Vittorio Emanuele Metro station in Rome

Closed last April 8th for special revisions, the Metro A station Vittorio Emanuele Of Roma will be active again on July 1st 2024 and will welcome travellers with a large site-specific work. It is called Common perspectiveand it is the new intervention signed by Esther Stocker (Silandro, 1974) that transforms the atrium of the subway station into a large grid with 8000 meters of black adhesive tape on a white background. Walls, ceilings, pillars and access devices are completely overwhelmed by orthogonal lines that give shape to a series of geometric elements, intercepting the gaze of passers-by.

The installation – available until December – is the result of the collaboration between the MAXXI Museum of Roma and the public transport company ATAC, and is part of the record exhibition Ambienti 1956 -2010. Environments by women artists IIedited by Andrea Lissoni, Marina Pugliese and Francesco Stocchi, scheduled at the Roman contemporary art museum until October 20th.

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Environments 1956 – 2010 Courtesy MAXXI Foundation

The exhibition “Ambienti 1956 -2010” at the MAXXI Museum in Rome

On the border between art, architecture and design the exhibition Ambienti 1956 – 2010. Environments by Women Artists II (inaugurated on April 10, 2024) investigates the contributions that women have made to the history of the visual arts. Animating the entire first floor (and part of the exterior) of the Roman museum are nineteen immersive works created by leading figures in the world of architecture and art, including Tania Mouraud, Nanda Vigo, Tsuruko Yamazaki, to which are added: Micol Assaël, Monica Bonvicini, Kimsooja, Christina Kubisch, Nalini Malani, Pipilotti Rist, Martha Rosler and Esther Stocker.

Environments 1956 – 2010 Courtesy MAXXI Foundation

The record of the exhibition “Ambienti 1956 -2010” at the MAXXI Museum in Rome

The exhibition expands the chronology of the first chapter started by House of Art Of Monaco, Inside Other Space. Environments by Women Artist 1956 – 1976, to arrive at 2010, the year of the architectural completion of the MAXXI Museum designed by Zaha Hadid. But the peculiarity of the project does not only lie in the dialogue that takes place between the exhibition space and the works, but also in the role that the spectator assumes, called to participate and interact with all the installations scattered around the museum. An invitation welcomed with enthusiasm by young people and families that has registered over 50 thousand visitors in the first two months of opening.

MAXXI Museum in Rome and the public transport company ATAC, and is part of the record exhibition Ambienti 1956 -2010. Environments by women artists II, curated by Andrea Lissoni, Marina Pugliese and Francesco Stocchi, scheduled at the Roman contemporary art museum until 20 October

Word from the president of the MAXXI Foundation Alessandro Giuli

We are very happy with this collaboration with ATAC, which allows us to bring the art of the 21st century into the heart of the city, in contact with thousands of Romans and tourists.”, says the president Alexander Giuli. “‘Ambienti’ is an exhibition that we care about a lot, because it represents a manifesto of how we imagine the MAXXI of the future, for the undisputed quality of the artistic research from which it moves and because the public has rewarded us with enthusiasm, making it the most visited MAXXI exhibition ever. We are also very pleased that more and more often institutions and companies, like ATAC in this case, choose MAXXI as a partner for innovative projects in the name of art”. It may not be the art metro of Naples, but maybe…

Valentina Muzi

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