He pretended to be an FBI agent to rape minors, 20-year-old sentenced in Turin

He pretended to be an FBI agent to rape minors, 20-year-old sentenced in Turin
He pretended to be an FBI agent to rape minors, 20-year-old sentenced in Turin

He had two-way radios, flashing lights, camouflage gear and guns that shot pellets. He said he was from the FBI, but also a carabiniere and to gain credibility he showed badges, asked for documents and drew up service reports. To lure his victims, it was enough to ask them: “Do you still have a passion for the carabinieri?”. In the eyes of those 13-year-old kids it seemed like they were living in a video game, like they were in an eternal game of “Call of Duty”.

But it wasn’t a game at all. Even though he was a few years older than them, the fake secret agent was a person suffering from an antisocial personality disorder and had been able to subjugate and terrorize them, threatening them with death and above all forcing them to perform and undergo sexual acts as punishments or as rewards to advance their career in his paramilitary association. The man who had involved three teenagers “in a dangerous role-playing game, in which he had assumed a position of supremacy, managing to psychologically overwhelm the others so much as to cause their social isolation, essential to act with impunity”, was sentenced yesterday in a summary trial to seven years in prison in a summary trial IR, 20 years (defended by the lawyer Elisabetta Corbelletti).

The charges contested by the prosecutor Livia Locci contain the extreme synthesis of the sick reality that he had built around himself: aggravated sexual violence, extortion, impersonation. The judge sentenced him to compensate his young victims (protected by the lawyers (Stefania Audisio, Benito Capellupo and Edoardo Carmagnola) with provisional amounts of 40 thousand euros each and 10 thousand for each parent who is a civil party.

The stories of the kids were all similar, very detailed and shocking. They had met “the boss” at school, he was the oldest boy, the one in his last year. The one who drove, who argued with his parents and became violent with them too. To join his association he had imposed “a set of rules, precise rules of behavior, operating a maniacal control on the victims”. So much so that the kids had installed an app that allowed the “boss” to monitor their movements in real time. They had to respect the schedules and every day scout abandoned factories, where they were trained. And every mistake was punished with a fine (even 400 euros) and physical violence (becoming targets to hit with rifles) and sexual violence, even in gangs. He knew how to take advantage of their fragility and imposed his will as “tests of courage”.

But then threats would come, including that of being kidnapped or killed, “foreseeing increasingly serious consequences, which would also involve relatives and friends”. He lived alone because, the investigating judge explained in the precautionary measure order, “his parents were no longer able to deal with his aggressiveness”. And that’s where the violence took place: “He never showed mercy, not even when faced with the most banal request made by his little victims”.

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