green light for 1.7 billion for the “Net zero, Renewables and Batteries” development contracts

Urso: “We support the production system in the challenge of green and digital transitions”

The ministry of Businesses and Made in Italy issued the decree regulating the methods of access to development contracts “Net Zero, Renewables and Batteries” for over 1.7 billion euros deriving from the funds PNRR to facilitate the energy transition, for which the European Union gave the green light in March on the basis of the temporary crisis and transition framework for state aid. Of these, at least €308.6 million are allocated to development programs concerning photovoltaic and wind technologies, and no less than €205.1 million to those concerning batteries.

With this extraordinary measure we concretely support the transformation of our companies in facing and winning the challenge of the dual transition, digital and green. A significant allocation, which adds to the resources planned for Transition 5.0, which will accompany our production system towards a more sustainable economy, promoting innovation, competitiveness and the creation of value” declared the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Ursus.

The directorial decree issued by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy establishes the methods and terms for submitting applications for access to incentives for investments aimed at strengthening the production chains of devices useful for the ecological transition, through the instrument of Development Contracts.

The programs, specifically, must have as their object the implementation of industrial development or development projects for environmental protection and possibly research, development and innovation projects aimed at the production of batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, electrolysers , carbon capture and storage (CCS) devices, as well as development programs for the production of key components and the recovery of critical raw materials specified in the decree.

Businesses will be able to submit an application to Invitalia deskmanaging body of the measure on behalf of the Ministry, starting from 12.00 on June 27th. The platform will be open both to new Development Contract applications and to applications already submitted to the Agency, whose facilitation process is suspended due to lack of financial resources. In the latter case, the requests must contain the elements necessary to allow the verification of possession of all the requirements established by the decree.

The resources available, under the PNRR, are approximately 1,739 million euros, of which at least 40% are intended for projects to be implemented in the regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily.

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