Netco-Open Fiber national network: the vision of politicians

With the spin-off of the Tim network, the protagonist also returns the single national network dossier. Can the single network really be a driver of economic and social development? Maurizio Gasparri, Senator Forza Italia, shifts the spotlight to a decidedly broader question, which in his opinion represents the real problem of tomorrow: “What world will we live in? The separation of the network is something we have now arrived at: now it’s a matter of seeing what will happen in operations”, not hiding a reference in particular to the employment front. Also for Antonino Iaria, Deputy of the 5 Star Movementthe answer to the question lies in another question: “Who will control this asset? Let’s not forget – he points out – that whoever controls the connections will control a large part of our society”.

The position of, however, is decidedly more “secular”. Giulia Pastorella, Action Deputy: “The theme, if anything, is the difference between black, white and gray areas: is the single network the best solution to the various problems or is the presence of different players more advantageous? Each situation has its own peculiarities and politics must focus above all on the purpose, avoiding preventive positions. Total coverage must be the goal.”

Gasparri: “Necessary to combine digital economy and social equity”

The network – he clarifies Gasparri – has a “certainly strategic value, but also employment-related and this cannot be overlooked. Politics must also see what happens: the digital economy is a world with many unknowns, but also with great prospects, as demonstrated by the comparison with the past”.

Gasparri he also refers to a theme dear to him, which he brings to the table – he states – as an “attentive observer”: “Sometimes the possibility of acting using other people’s networks has allowed tariff wars which have put larger operators in difficulty, due to the high costs that they have to bear: it follows that the too low cost of the data and telephony service has led to competition observed by the Authorities. Last reference to the Internet Giants, who are “carrying out a devastating action on the market”: “I am not against the progress of a digital economy, but if there is a world that pays taxes of a certain weight and another world who pays 1 or 2%, it is obvious that this creates problems, especially when the Global Minimum Tax then struggles to be applied. This is an issue that trade union organizations must address: it is necessary to combine the digital economy with the principle of social equity”.

Iaria: “AI will close many doors, but it will also open many others”

Antonino Iaria, Deputy of the 5 Star Movement, points out that “if we move the possibility that public management of the network becomes marginal, this becomes a huge problem, even a political one”. On the single network, Iaria underlines the distance that separates Conte’s movement from the Government’s policies: “We are in full disagreement – ​​he clarifies -, on this as well as on the attitude towards AI. We speak in a distorted way about artificial intelligence based only on its playful aspects: in reality it is essential to consider that this will open up new job opportunities and close many others. There will be people who will lose their jobs, with an impoverishment of purchasing power, but also companies that will increase their revenues tenfold. We must therefore think, at a European level, to some type of redistribution, to ensure that the mechanism becomes virtuous. It’s not about providing welfare, but about creating conditions so that AI can create new job opportunities.”

In this phase – he continues – changes are very fast: politics must identify guidelines based on the awareness that the world is changing, and change must be governed. Part of this change is also ultra-broadband via satellite, which is becoming an increasingly protagonist in the sector, not only as an anti-digital gap tool. What role can Italy play in this sector?

“In the PNRR – he recalls Iaria – investments in these connections are planned, but what is certain is that such a disruptive actor as Elon Musk messes up the cards on the table. The topic is interesting because the costs of satellite connections are becoming increasingly competitive compared to the costs of fiber. We must therefore ask ourselves whether it is not necessary to review the issue of connections and regulations of the new antennas: we have a complex debate underway with local administrations and citizens, and then perhaps in a year all this will be superseded by a satellite connection which could be much more competitive and effective. We have time to review these programs, to be able to understand how market news is changing the scenario: instead I see that the Government’s attitude is too tied to a conception of the past. It’s fine to tax large multinationals that make a profit less, but it’s the classic straw: the game is not played with protectionism, but at a European level, with actions to also counter this type of threat.”

Pastorella: “Diversification is the key to ensuring resilience”

Strengthened by its “secular” position on the single network issue, Giulia Pastorella says she is convinced that “the sale of the Tim network was fundamental for Tim itself, as it was now a ‘ballasted’ society: thanks to this step – he points out -, I hope that there will be most competitive players in the telephony market”.

On ultra-broadband via sat, Shepherdess states that “the investment, which must not be an excuse for no longer investing in network infrastructure, must be paid attention to” because it helps to “bridge the digital gap and is a key component of the puzzle that aims to improve the country’s connectivity”.
“In contexts such as the war in Ukraine – he further pointed out the Deputy – Starlink has become a double-edged sword: without wanting to create alarmism, I am convinced that diversification and the presence of more players and more technologies are essential to be less vulnerable. Diversifying in connectivity is the key to ensuring resilience for our country”.

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