Signorelli, Diabolik and the anti-Semitic phrases of Lollobrigida’s spokesperson: «They are private chats, the left thinks of Di Cesare»

Signorelli, Diabolik and the anti-Semitic phrases of Lollobrigida’s spokesperson: «They are private chats, the left thinks of Di Cesare»
Signorelli, Diabolik and the anti-Semitic phrases of Lollobrigida’s spokesperson: «They are private chats, the left thinks of Di Cesare»

The chats with Diabolik ultimately cost Paolo Signorelli, spokesperson for minister Francesco Lollobrigida, self-suspension. But not her resignation, even if the Meloni government’s head of agriculture called it that. According to the background information, it was Giorgia and Arianna Meloni who pushed for her removal. Meanwhile, former minister Francesco Boccia makes it known that during the pandemic he was threatened by Paolo’s brother. Boccia withdrew the complaint after a letter of apology. Signorelli did not deny the chat, but claimed that «the serious contents of that chat are the furthest thing from me, from my thoughts and my feelings». Meanwhile, FdI deputy Giovanni Donzelli rejects the accusations and invites “the left” to think about Donatella Di Cesare. She was acquitted of a defamation charge against Lollobrigida.

Lollobrigida and Diabolik

Meanwhile Republic recounts another episode concerning Fabrizio Piscitelli, the Lazio ultras and criminal killed in the Parco degli Acquedotti in Rome in a settling of scores. At the time the police commissioner had denied a public funeral for Diabolik. And it was Francesco Lollobrigida himself who protested the decision. He said he thought the commissioner’s choice was “incomprehensible”. There are no public order reasons. Why deny his friends the opportunity to participate in the funeral as they wish? Paolo’s younger brother, Gianluca, threatened Boccia with death during the lockdown: “If you close again I’ll come get you and kill you,” he wrote to him on social networks. Boccia sued and after identification by the Postal Police Signorelli jr wrote a letter of apology which led the minister to withdraw the complaint.

The official act

Meanwhile Signorelli has not yet resigned. Minister Lollobrigida spoke of resigning from office, but an official act is missing. So much so that the opposition thinks it is a way to buy time and let the European elections pass. According to rumors, Signorelli, nephew of one of the founders of Ordine Nuovo, became head of Minister Lollobrigida’s press office at the latter’s request. While his wife Arianna would have advised him against it, without being listened to. In the FdI chats there are those who defend Signorelli: “he is a kid” (he is 38 years old, ed). And who hopes that with Carlo Nordio’s justice reform, situations like this will be avoided, given that there is a ban on publishing criminally irrelevant wiretaps. The Courier he says that Lollobrigida, speaking with his parents, said he was “surprised”. But also that “the boy” is “too naive”.

Donzelli and Di Cesare

And it is also underlined that Signorelli “has been to Medjugorie twice”. Meanwhile, FdI deputy Giovanni Donzelli a The print he says: «Signorelli is someone who works for us, the ruling class has nothing to do with it. I don’t look at private chats. I would like to see if anyone starts sifting through the private chats of the Democratic Party, or even of Republic. Let’s see what comes out. However Signorelli suspended himself and took away from the left the satisfaction of making a controversy.” He, however, is still very energetic: «The words are very serious, obviously. But the controversy comes from the left who brings up private chats from six years ago to accuse a party. I remember that Professor Di Cesare, the one who insults Giorgia Meloni, publicly defended the terrorist Balzarani. This outrage on the part of the left leaves me perplexed and a little disgusted.”

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