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“Part of the reward to the Palestinians”

In the name of the Sicilian Anna Castiglia who with the song “Ghali” deals a double blow to Musicultura: she is the absolute winner of the XXXV edition, which earns her the prize of 20 thousand euros offered by Banca Macerata, and also the one for the best text assigned by the jury made up of students from the universities of Camerino and Macerata. “I will donate part of this money – said the winner – to pro-Palestine associations because it is not possible to remain indifferent to what is happening”. A stance similar to that of the rapper Ghali, in February on the stage of the Sanremo festival. As for the other verdicts, Eugenio Sournia with the song “Il cielo” won the three thousand euros of the Critics’ Plaque named after Piero Cesanelli, the creator of Musicultura and artistic director from the first edition until 2019. It was Helle, who proposed the song “Lisou”, to win the new prize of two thousand euros The house by the sea, awarded by the inmates of the Barcaglione prison. On the last evening there was space for the honor awarded by the universities of Macerata and Camerino to Enzo Avitabile to celebrate the incredible artistic career of the Neapolitan musician. The last evening of the Festival provided a spectacle with performances by Nada and the tribute to Gabriella Ferri made by Carlotta Proietti. On stage Alessandro Bianchi brought Lesc Dubrov, the non-existent president of the Labor and Ethics Commission of the European Union, a gray Eastern European bureaucrat sabotaged and mocked by his underpaid translator. The conduction of Carolina Di Domenico and Paola Turci hit the mark. “It was a radiant edition – sums up Ezio Nannipieri, artistic director of the Festival – for the musical variety, not only among the winners, but also among the guests”. When the lights of the Sferisterio go out, those of the winner Castiglia come on, underlining the weight of the success. “You have given me confirmation – he explains – a lot of self-esteem, courage. Such a great victory decided by the public makes it clear that what I am doing is fine and that I can continue on this path. Many judgments in unison push me to do.”

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