«I also climbed the Arthur Seat»

Jovanotti, 57 years old and definitely not feeling them. We left him five months ago with his last operation necessary to “reconstruct the femur which was not aligned correctly” after the bike accident and now, like a youngster, he is fitter than ever. The singer, a symbol of optimism and cheerfulness, does not lose his energy. Indeed, Jovanotti flew to Scotland with the two most important women in his life: his wife, or rather “Magical Girl”, Francesca Valiani and her daughter Teresa Cherubini, 26 years old.


Jovanotti shared an Instagram post with his followers with a series of photos. «Beautiful days with my girls in a land I had never visited – wrote Jovanotti on his Instagram profile -. Beautiful. I also climbed the Arthur Seat, the first stress test 11 months after the explosion. And I couldn’t help but have a custom-made kilt made by a tailor in Edinburgh.” There were numerous comments from followers on the Instagram post that Jovanotti published on his profile. “You are very strong, only together with your family do you overcome obstacles,” wrote a follower. And again: «You’re a fairytale, incredible. Nobody stops you.”

The intervention

On January 17, Jovanotti had to repeat an operation on his leg that he had already undergone previously. Premise: on July 15, 2023, the singer had a bad accident during a bike excursion in Santo Domingo, breaking his collarbone and femur.


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