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Denis Villeneuve’s next film has a release date, it could be Dune 3 | Cinema

Denis Villeneuve’s next film has a release date, it could be Dune 3 | Cinema
Denis Villeneuve’s next film has a release date, it could be Dune 3 | Cinema

Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have announced that the next film directed by Denis Villeneuve has a release date: December 18, 2026. However, they did not say which film it is.

This is a significant detail, given that the director has both a film set during a nuclear war and the third and final chapter of the saga in development at Legendary and Warner. Dune. When Dune: Part Two has been released in theaters, he has stated that he wants to dedicate himself to another project before completing the trilogy, but according to sources cited by the Hollywood Reporter (and corroborated by Borys Kit) he may have changed his mind. After all, Villeneuve has already finished work on the screenplay for Dune 3 so much so that he has already handed it over to composer Hans Zimmer. The over 700 million dollars at the box office, the need for all the actors to be free from commitments to shoot for several months and, perhaps, a few more clauses in the contract could have convinced Villeneuve to dedicate himself to the conclusion of the saga before moving on to something else.

We would also like to point out that, in the same announcement, Warner and Legendary have set the release of the next MonsterVerse film for March 26, 2027. Grant Sputore will direct this new blockbuster following Adam Wingard’s farewell. Godzilla and Kong: The New Empirelet us remember, grossed 567 million dollars worldwide.

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