Liliane Murekatete, partner of Soumahoro, and the twenty-year work at Palazzo Chigi. “I’ve never seen it in Arcore”

Liliane Murekatete, partner of Soumahoro, and the twenty-year work at Palazzo Chigi. “I’ve never seen it in Arcore”
Liliane Murekatete, partner of Soumahoro, and the twenty-year work at Palazzo Chigi. “I’ve never seen it in Arcore”

from Thomas Labate

Maria Rosaria Rossi: «There was a person who looked like her who worked for the executive, but I’m not sure it was Soumahoro’s partner». Laura Boldrini: I remember her speech for refugee day. Sexy photos have been circulating on the net and the warning to publish immediately started

«No, I hadn’t connected at all, on the other hand it would have been impossible. I was in front of the television, at a certain point a report on the Soumahoro case starts and his partner appears. At first I say to myself “well, it could be, maybe, who knows…”. Then I looked better, and it really was her.’

This story begins with the testimony of Laura Boldrini. Which, at the beginning of the scandal that engulfed Marie Therese Mukamitsindo’s Karibu cooperative and tarnished the image of her daughter’s partner Aboubakar Soumahorofreshly elected deputy of the Republic with the Green-Left alliance and now self-suspended by the parliamentary group, is following a program on TV that deals with the case.

Former Speaker of the House, who has an important past in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, obviously knows Soumahoro and has also met Marie Therese in the past. She misses the “link” between the two. She lacks, or at least that’s what he believes up to that moment, the figure of Liliane Murekatete, Therese’s daughter and Aboubakar’s companion.

It looks like the final scene of The Usual Suspects, when the commissioner played by Chazz Palminteri carefully scrutinizes the blackboard in front of which he interrogated the anonymous character played by Kevin Spacey. And it lights a new light on the history of the most “sought-after” woman in Italy. The cooperator with designer bags and clothes, the «Lady Soumahoro» which someone has renamed «Lady Gucci», the «CooperaDiva» (copyright Dagospia), the woman who invokes through third parties «the right to elegance» (copyright Soumahoro), the beauty that in some shots of the web plunged back from the past poses in clothes that are, to say the least, skimpy. For the photos that portray Liliane, the notice of publication has started.

But above all, and here the story is so surprising that even the plot of the Bel Ami of Maupassant, the unknown ex who went through four different legislatures with four different disguises: that of the II and III Berlusconi governments as an employee of the Task Force for Africa led by Alberto Michelinithat of Prodi II as an employee of Palazzo Chigi, that of Berlusconi IV always at the government building and the beginning of Meloni I as the ultra-famous companion of an opposition deputy.

The arrival at Palazzo Chigi

Interviewed by the La7 program It’s not the arenaconducted by Massimo Giletti, the former Berlusconi Michelini tells of how the young Liliane Murekatete, who worked with him at the beginning of the 2000s, presented herself as «nephew of the Rwandan premier». When Berlusconi’s Task Force for Africa went on a mission to Rwanda, «the premier introduced him to me, saying ‘he is my uncle‘. And I had no doubts that he was, also because I saw how he greeted her, affectionately, like a family member…».

But how did it get there? a little more than a girlantennae like Liliane to work for the Berlusconi government? Tells Laura Boldrini: «As you know, World Refugee Day is held every 21 June. For the occasion, the High Commissioner of the United Nations is asking organizations to point out some witnesses to take part in the celebrations. Now I don’t remember which organization it was, whether Caritas or Cir or someone else, but from one of these is reported this girl, Liliane. Which in fact takes the floor. It was the beginning of the 2000s, I can’t say the exact year. I only know that, some time later, I meet Michelini. That she tells me: ‘But did you know that we hired that very good girl who intervened on June 21st to work with us?‘”. Only fifteen years later, in 2017, during the delivery of a prize awarded by Moneygram, Boldrini will meet – at an event also attended by Emma Bonino and Gianni Pittella – his mother Maria Therese and will find the young Liliane he met years earlier. Instead, her link with Soumahoro will appear to her only by watching TV a few weeks ago, at the beginning of the “case”.

“She never came to Arcore”

But what had Liliane done in previous years? From the early 2000s to the autumn of 2011, when the Berlusconi IV government fell, she did not move from Palazzo Chigi. In 2006 Michelini, by her own admission, reported her to the Prodi government together with another member of her private secretariat. And when the Berlusconians return to government two years later, Liliane is still in her place. Only this time she rises in rank and she «even assumes the role – it’s always Michelini who speaks – of personal representative acting”.

The former senator Maria Rosaria Rossi, at that stage, is the operational arm of the Knight. It monitors his activity at Palazzo Chigi and, as you know, controls who enters and who leaves Palazzo Grazioli in Rome and the Villa of Arcore. «There was a person who looked like her who worked for the government at the time. But I can’t say with certainty whether or not it was Soumahoro’s partner whom I have seen in the newspapers and on TV these days. She asks me if could it be her? With the conditional I answer yes, it could».

Is it possible that Liliane Murekatete frequented Berlusconi’s private residences? “I can be more specific about this. And the answer is absolutely not. She certainly never came to Arcore».

On 21 June about twenty years ago, during World Refugee Day, Liliane’s story took another turn. Twenty years later is a whole other story, with dozens of other stories in between. The decidedly spicy shots that have returned to circulate on the Net now have a signature, that of the photographer Elio Carchidi. Taken in 2012, they hadn’t been requested or purchased by anyone. Today they are going to steal.

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06 December 2022 ( edit 06 December 2022 | 16:20)


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