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one million to farmers who diversify

one million to farmers who diversify
one million to farmers who diversify

The Molise Region has published the tender which allocates 1 million for agricultural startups. This was communicated by the Department of Agricultural and Agri-Food Policies. The initiative intends encourage the creation of new businesses who carry out non-agricultural activities in the rural and mountainous areas of Molise. The objective is to revitalize rural economies through the creation of new non-agricultural activities and provide tools that increase job opportunities and opportunities.

Measure dedicated to farmers or residents in rural areas

The measure applies throughout the regional territory and can benefit from the aid farmers or family assistantsi, natural persons residing in rural areas who intend to start new small or micro businesses, also for the start-up of new business branches by exclusively agricultural entrepreneurs who intend to open new non-agricultural businesses linked to their business and managed by family assistants.

Eligible non-agricultural activities include: innovative services relating to the person; innovative services in the field of communication; crafts; rural tourism; marketing, social and tourism services; small commercial businesses.

To be eligible for access, beneficiaries must: develop a business plan, covering a maximum period of 5 yearsin which to identify the interventions and the use of the prize, and undertake to start within 9 months from the date of concession; undertake to maintain the activity for at least 5 years from the date of entry into force of the activity; comply with the requirements of small and micro enterprises.

Councilor Micone

“The intervention aims to be a measure to support the people of Molise – declares the councilor Salvatore Micone – to try to reduce the geographical, economic and social, gender and generational disparities, which are already very accentuated in the territories of inland, rural and mountain areas which clearly suffer from the dynamics of depopulation, senility and unemployment, lack of competitiveness and sustainable growth of SMEs. As a department, we want to encourage the growth of new concrete opportunities for development and fair valorization of territories and their communities at risk of marginalization so as to make them protagonists-recipients of activities that bring new life and vitality to rural economies and non-agricultural sectors through the birth of small and micro business start-ups with an innovative character and in step with the times. Innovation must be understood as a new idea that proves effective in practice. It can be technological or non-technological, organizational or social. It can be based on new practices/processes, but also on traditional ones considered in new geographical environments or environmental contexts. The new idea can be a new product, practice, service, production process or a new way of organizing things”.

The councilor concludes: “In order to ensure the widest possible and widespread diffusion and communication of the initiative throughout the entire regional territory in order to reach the widest possible audience of recipients, as a councilor, we have scheduled three days of info days which will take place in Isernia, in the Provincial Council Chamber, on July 2nd at 6pm, Campobassoin the conference room of the Regional Council, on 3 July at 6pm Termoliin the council chamber of the Municipality, on July 4th at 6 pm. The meetings are open to all”.

Source: Molise Region

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