Falls from 7th floor: 22-year-old ‘saved’ by parked car

Falls from 7th floor: 22-year-old ‘saved’ by parked car
Falls from 7th floor: 22-year-old ‘saved’ by parked car

01 Lug 2024 11:30

Investigations are underway by the Carabinieri of the Perugia Company regarding what happened during the night between Sunday and Monday. A 22-year-old boy of Bulgarian origins fell from the seventh floor of a building in Ellera di Corciano, the building is that of the pharmacy. The website reports the story UmbriaJournal. The injuries sustained by the young man were serious but, perhaps also due to the fact that a car cushioned the fall, which occurred on his back, we are not talking about irreversible, definitive consequences. In any case it was possible to proceed with rescue by 118 and then transport to Perugia hospital under ‘code red’ for the necessary treatment. The 22-year-old lives in the apartment with a friend.

The investigations

On the incident, the Carabinieri of the Perugia provincial command released a note on Monday morning: «The Carabinieri of the Corciano station and of the radiomobile section of the Perugia Company, in the early hours of the morning, following a report received on the single emergency number 112, intervened together with health personnel of the 118 service at a building located on the outskirts of the city, where a 22-year-old, living in an apartment in the building, located on the seventh floor, jumped into the void from the balcony and crashed into a car parked at the point of impact with the ground. The young man was rushed to the local hospital ‘Santa Maria della Misericordia’ where he was admitted with a reserved prognosis. Investigations conducted by the Carabinieri are underway – the note concludes – to reconstruct the dynamics of the event and the possible causes, among which the act of self-harm by the boy is not excluded».

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