Tramontinversi, in Viareggio poetry arrives at dusk

Tramontinversi, in Viareggio poetry arrives at dusk
Tramontinversi, in Viareggio poetry arrives at dusk

«The Tramontinversi viva voce poetry review is me, you could say. And I will say it” says Giancarlo Micheli, creator and artistic director of Tramontinversi, the Poetry Festival which will be held at the G. Marconi Library, Palazzo delle Muse. A particular story, that of the Festival, which began in 2012. «It brought together – explains Micheli – 15 poets, in the evening, near a now lonely beach. In separate events, they presented their collections of verses, published or unpublished, and dialogued with the public. “General and particular states of poetry” would have been the title I would have liked to give to a film footage of the various meetings, in which my friend Gianluca Cupisti helped me; now, what remains of it is in an old disk, which I hope to have access to, sooner or later, if the sky is favorable.” After a 10-year break, the second edition: «I articulated three events with the aim of offering an emblematic panorama of poetry publishing, the one that resists within the narrow margins of freedom granted by the current editorial-industrial apparatus. I immediately thought of naming the exhibition after Gianluca, who had died the previous autumn.” Now the Festival has reached its third edition, richer and more complex, with eight events between June and September. This year there is an OFF section, in which poets will be able to read their works, which will be held at Libreria Lungomare on the Viareggio seafront. A free space where, as the artistic director says, «the hypocritical reader will be able to get drunk as he pleases, on wine, on virtue or even on poetry». These meetings will reserve a space for those who wish to propose their verses, upon communication to [email protected]. All the information to follow the Festival is on the Tramontinversi Facebook page or on the website.

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