All the numbers and curiosities of the Cesena City Council. The youngest is Michele Manuzzi

All the numbers and curiosities of the Cesena City Council. The youngest is Michele Manuzzi
All the numbers and curiosities of the Cesena City Council. The youngest is Michele Manuzzi

The new Cesena City Council will meet for its first session tomorrow, Tuesday 2 July, at 3:00 pm and, also in this case, the proceedings will be broadcast live on the municipal portal There are 32 city councilors (8 women and 24 men) and 9 political groups that make up the new assembly (Democratic Party, Cesena 2024, Movimento 5 Stelle, Fondamenta – Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, Popolari per Cesena, Patto per Cesena, Brothers of Italy, Cesena Sono Noi and Lega).

Specifically, around half of the members are having their first experience of this type: Marco Rocco De Luca, Katuscia Giorgini, Milena Maccherozzi (formerly President of the Fiorenzuola District), Federica Maggioli, Fabio Pezzi (formerly Coordinator of the College of District Presidents), Silvia Zanotti for the Democratic Party; Piero Berti and Michele Manuzzi for Cesena 2024; Damiano Censi for Fondamenta – Green and Left Alliance; Francesco Biguzzi for Popolari per Cesena; Marco Fantini, Andrea Imperato, Nicholas Pellegrini, Giorgio Zanotti and Gigliola Zuccali for Fratelli d’Italia; Marco Giangrandi for Cesena È Noi.

From the previous City Council, Gianni Ceredi, Angela Giunchi, Federica Monti, Lorenzo Plumari, Filippo Rossini, Enrico Rossi, Francesca Tombetti, Andrea Vergaglia arrive for the Democratic Party; Armando Strinati for Cesena 2024; Enrico Castagnoli for Brothers of Italy; Denis Parise for Cesena We Are; Enrico Sirotti Gaudenzi for the League. Returning to Palazzo Albornoz: Marco Casali of Brothers of Italy, Ivan Piraccini for Patto per Cesena (formerly councilor for security); Vittorio Valletta elected in the ranks of the 5 Star Movement, and Carlo Verona (formerly Councilor for Culture and Inclusion).

The youngest councilor is Michele Manuzzi di Cesena 2024 born on 17 October 2000. The dean of the council is Carlo Verona born on 20 July 1956. Eight councilors were elected (Katiuscia Giorgini, Angela Giunchi, Milena Maccherozzi, Federica Maggioli, Federica Monti , Francesca Tombetti and Silvia Zanotti for the Democratic Party and Gigliola Zuccali for Fratelli d’Italia), compared to six in the previous legislature.

The first session will be chaired by Lorenzo Plumari of the Democratic Party group, as senior advisor, for having received the highest number of votes. In this regard, please note that the individual number of votes attributed to each municipal councilor is made up of the total list votes to which the preference votes are added. Specifically, the Democratic Party list received a total of 19,624 votes, and Lorenzo Plumari with his 611 preferences reaches his personal figure of 20,235, thus being the most voted in the new city council. In reality, the largest number of votes (20,566, of which 942 were personal preferences) was recorded by Maria Elena Baredi who, having been appointed Councillor, automatically renounced her seat on the Council.

The agenda is particularly extensive, lining up a whole series of acts essential to the start of administrative activity: the validation of those elected, the election of President and Vice President of the Council, the oath of the Mayor, the presentation of the Council , the constitution of the council groups and the communication of the group leaders, the appointment of the electoral commission and that for the updating of the registers of popular judges. Furthermore, the Mayor’s illustration of the programmatic mandate lines will be central, anticipating the directions that the Administration led by him will follow in the next 5 years. The Council will then be asked to indicate its representatives within the Council of the Valle Savio Union and to approve the guidelines for the designation of the Municipality’s representatives at bodies, companies, institutions and participatory bodies.

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