the complaint of 100 doctors from Andria

the complaint of 100 doctors from Andria
the complaint of 100 doctors from Andria
The public complaint di Tommaso Di Renzo. Ninni Inchingolo and Dino Leonetti, city doctors who explain in this communication their concerns regarding the installation of antennas in the city, in particular that of via Scipione l’Africano.

“One hundred doctors working in our citydoctors committed every day to treating our fellow citizens, they signed a petition addressed to the mayor, so that avoid any avoidable risk of ill health with concrete actions. We doctors call this action “primary prevention”, i.e. implemented before healthy people become sick. In this petition we specifically refer to electromagnetic fields and the installation in via Scipione l’Africano.

In the petition it was asked to block this installation, Of draw up a localization plan and carry out monitoring throughout the city. It was also requested to terminate a cooperation protocol with a manager that provides for the completion of the installation of fifth generation systems (5G). Obviously, a substantial scientific dossier was attached, drawn up by ISDE (Doctors for the Environment, an international prevention organization).

Various silly ventriloquists from the local political world faced with the mass mobilization of citizens, including marches and sit-ins, also faced with the enormous coordination work carried out in perfect solitude by Savino Montaruli’s “Io ci sono” association, and faced with the appeal to the TAR Puglia They reacted by speaking of exploitation, disinformation, alarmism, ignorance and even insinuated suspicions about the way the petition signatures were collected.

In this uncontrolled reaction of the political world, The mayor was quick to say that there are already those who will monitor electromagnetic fields through the protocol with an aggregation of associations. Too bad that theCouncilor Di Leo will clarify that monitoring is actually the responsibility of ARPA.

The manager completes the pole installation. At this point the mayor launches into a heartfelt appeal to block the work and relocate the pole. Too bad that at the same time the environmental councillor Losappio meets the citizens saying that the plant can be activated anyway and then the municipality will take care of monitoring. But wasn’t ARPA competent, as the other councillor said?

It is curious to note how the mayor publicly asks in extremis for the “suspension and re-evaluation of the entire project” and her own councilor for Quality of Life declares: “I reiterate that at this time no other intervention is possible”. And therefore contradicts the mayor.

We wonder if they talk to each other in administration.

Ecco. The thing that dismays us doctors is the superficiality we have seen in the management of this very delicate issue which has created a social alarm. And what about the guilty silence of those who have knowledge and ability and did not intervene?

The pole has been installedtherefore, and is ready to host the repeater panels that will irradiate the neighboring population.

In the mayor’s latest media intervention, the one in which she appears horrified by this installation, we are struck by the fact that the words “health” and “prevention” are never mentioned.

These are important words that also inspired the appeal to the TAR, initiated by residents and the association of Montaruli, in addition to a basic and simple question: is it true that the administration was contacted by the managers, that they were available to relocate the plant from via Scipione and that the municipality never responded?

The mayor today speaks of “damage to the image”, while we doctors, quietly, allow ourselves to say that it is a serious damage to health. And it’s not just us who say it. There are one hundred doctors who have long urged caution by knowingly signing a petition. The very petition to which the mayor responded saying she was unable to do anything. Now that there has been a rise in awareness and a reality check, it is sad to have to note that citizens have to resort to justice to remind administrators that beyond rules, procedures and authorisations, one can always activate the brain and the heart . If you really love our city.”

Thomas Di Renzo. Ninni Inchingolo and Dino Leonetti

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