Pomezia and Torvaianica: new method of separate waste collection coming soon

Pomezia and Torvaianica: new method of separate waste collection coming soon
Pomezia and Torvaianica: new method of separate waste collection coming soon

Last updated on July 1, 2024 by Sara Gatti

PomeziaJuly 1, 2024 – TeknoServicethe company that won the new contract for the management of separate waste collection, is preparing to introduce important changes to Pomezia e TorvaianicaThe days of distribution of the new kits are a fundamental step to actively involve all the users residing in the Municipality of Pomezia and regularly registered for the service OFFICE.

Distribution of the new kits: an opportunity for the environment and the community

During the distribution days, citizens will have access to the new kits for separate waste collection, which represent not only a change in habits at an individual level, but also an opportunity to actively contribute to the protection of the environment and the sustainability of the territory.

Involvement and active participation of citizens

Community involvement is essential to the success of this transition towards a more effective and efficient method of waste separation. Through information meetings and awareness campaigns, TechnoService aims to promote active participation by citizens, so that everyone can adopt sustainable practices in the correct disposal of waste.

Benefits for the environment and the territory

The introduction of the new method of separate waste collection not only aims to improve waste management but also Pomezia e Torvaianicabut also to reduce the environmental impact resulting from the production and uncontrolled dispersion of unsorted waste.

Sustainability and social responsibility

Environmental sustainability and social responsibility play a fundamental role in this initiative, which aims to raise awareness among citizens of the importance of correct waste disposal and the positive consequences this has for the entire community.

Next steps and monitoring of the initiative

Once the distribution of the kits has been completed and the new method of separate waste collection has been started, TechnoService is committed to constantly monitoring the progress of the initiative, collecting feedback from the community and evaluating any improvements to be made to the service.

Collaboration and synergies for a sustainable future

The collaboration between the company, local institutions and citizens represents the key to the creation of a more eco-sustainable and aware territory. Every contribution, large or small, is essential to building together a future in which environmental protection is at the center of our daily actions.

Pomezia e Torvaianica are about to experience a major change in the field of waste management, thanks to the introduction of a new method of separate waste collection promoted by TeknoService. The initiative, which will actively involve the entire community, aims to raise citizens’ awareness of the importance of embracing sustainable practices for the protection of the environment and the creation of a more eco-sustainable territory.


  • 1.
Pomezia is a city in the Lazio region of Italy. With a population of about 62,000, it is located south of Rome. It is known for its industrial and agricultural economy, as well as its archaeological heritage. The municipal administration of Pomezia is working to improve waste management through the new method of separate collection.

2. TechnoService:
TeknoService is the company that won the contract for the management of separate waste collection a Pomezia e Torvaianica. It provides services related to waste management and is committed to introducing important changes to improve the efficiency and sustainability of separate waste collection.
3. Torvaianica:
Torvaianica is a hamlet located in the municipality of Pomezia, known for its beaches on the Tyrrhenian Sea. Also Torvaianica will be involved in the implementation of the new method of separate waste collection promoted by TeknoService.
OFFICE it is the waste tax, a local tax that concerns the management of urban waste and can vary from municipality to municipality. Being regularly registered for the TARI service is a requirement to be able to benefit from separate waste collection in Pomezia e Torvaianica.
The article highlights the importance of actively involving citizens in the transition towards more sustainable waste management practices and underlines the benefits for the environment and the territory deriving from the adoption of separate waste collection. The active participation of citizens, together with the collaboration between the company, local institutions and communities, represents a significant step towards creating a more sustainable and aware future.

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