Perugia man falls from seventh floor on a car in Ellera

Perugia man falls from seventh floor on a car in Ellera
Perugia man falls from seventh floor on a car in Ellera

A 22-year-old man fell from the seventh floor onto a parked car. It happened around 5am on Monday morning.

The alarm was raised and rescuers arrived on the scene and found him alive. Safety interventions were carried out by healthcare personnel in an attempt to stabilize and secure the injured person in order to transfer him as a matter of urgency to the nearby Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital in Perugia. His condition is considered very serious, with multiple injuries and trauma due to the impact: a seven-story flight, the impact of which was cushioned by the sheet metal of the car.

The police arrived on site to carry out the necessary surveys and carry out the necessary investigations. From what has emerged so far, it is likely to be an extreme voluntary act. However, it is not yet possible to exclude with certainty the involvement of other people, according to what has emerged from the investigations. The place from which the leap into the void occurred is his home, in Ellera di Corciano, in the first outskirts of Perugia. The 22-year-old lived in an apartment inside a condominium with another person who is being questioned by investigators in these hours. Other people were questioned together with her. The investigations continue to reconstruct the exact dynamics of what happened while the hope remains alive that the 22-year-old will make it even if the conditions are defined as serious and the prognosis remains reserved.

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