Organ Vespers to Christ the King

Organ Vespers to Christ the King
Organ Vespers to Christ the King

The International Organ Festival of Organ Vespers to Christ the King has reached its 20th edition. It is divided into 12 concerts, from July 10th to August 21st which will be held in the churches of Pesaro Christ the King, Cathedral, Name of God, St. John, Santissima Annunziata and – new for the 2024 edition – also in three churches outside the city limits: the church of Santi Quirico and Giuditta in Montelabbate, the Church of SS. Vito and Modesto a Mombaroccio and the Oratory of San Giuseppe ad Urbino.
The Festival is organized with the patronage and contribution of Archdiocese of Pesaro, Municipality of Pesaro, Marche Region, Amat and Cassa di Risparmio Foundation.
All concerts start at 9pm, 3pm.
Admission is free and open to the public.


10th of July The faith I love most, says God, is hope.
Christ the King Pesaro from ‘The Portico of the Mystery of the Second Virtue’, by Charles Peguy, 1911
Lucia Ferrati readings,
Giuliana Maccaroni, Martino Pòrcile 4-hand organ

15th of July Giuseppe Ripini, maestro di cappella in Fano.
Church of the Choir and Orchestra of the Musical Chapel of the Cathedral of Fano
Christ the King Pesaro
Stefano Baldelli, director

July 17 The great German Romanticism between innovation and rediscovery.
Saints Quirico and Giulitta Montellabbate
Vittore Veneziani Female Choir, Director Teresa Auletta
Gabriele Martin, organo

23 July The solo oboe between the Renaissance and Classicism
Church of SS. Vito and Modesto Mombaroccio
Letizia Romiti, organ Elena Romiti, oboe

July 24th Orchestral Echoes
Christ the King Pesaro
Giacomo Gabusi, organ Giovanni Tamburini, trumpet

July 31st Italiani e…Italian
Name of God Pesaro
Nicola Dolci, organ Pierfrancesco Pelà, violin

August 2 I am loved, therefore I exist; I am forgiven, therefore I am reborn to a new life.
Church of S. Giovanni Pesaro from the ‘Apostolic Letter Misericordia et misera of the Holy Father Francis, at the conclusion of the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy’, 2016
Lucia Ferrati acting voice
Organ: Alessandro Buffone

August 7th InCanto Pop
Church of the Annunziata Pesaro ‘Coro Le insolite notes in the twentieth anniversary of the constitution’
Francesca Costantini, reader
Valentina Darpetti, director

August 14th Virgin, or free harmony.
Pesaro Cathedral Basilica from ‘Ave Maria’, by p. David Maria Turoldo, 1984
Lucia Ferrati, narrator
Stefan Kagl, organo (Germania)

August 15th Holy Mass of the Tourist
Pesaro Martino Pòrcile Cathedral, organ

August 16th Urbino and Rome: a bond in the name of the Albani
Oratorio S.Giuseppe Urbino Lorenzo Antinori, organ
Stefania Cocco, soprano

August 21st Old and New World Romantics Kimberly Marshall (USA)
Christ the King, Pesaro

Organ Vespers at Christ the King, International Organ Festival XX edition 2024
Pesaro, Urbino, Mombaroccio, Montelabbate is realized with the patronage and contribution of: Marche Region, Municipality of Pesaro, Cassa di Risparmio Foundation, Municipalities of Montelabbate, Mombaroccio and Urbino, Amat, Archdiocese of Pesaro, Archdiocese of Urbino, Urbania, Sant’Angelo in Vado. With the support of: Comis and Philip Sorcinelli; with the collaboration of: Hotel Alexander, Apa Hotels, Ristorante Pizzeria Donn’Amalia.

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