Brawl between two passengers on train from Trento to Bassano del Grappa – News

Brawl between two passengers on train from Trento to Bassano del Grappa – News
Brawl between two passengers on train from Trento to Bassano del Grappa – News

A fight broke out on the train that left Trento yesterday evening at 5.05pm and was headed for Bassano.

Between the stations of Trento Santa Chiara and Trento San Bartolomeo two passengers started an argument. This was reported by Filt Cgil of Trentino. “The dynamics of the discussion between two passengers on board the train that quickly turned into a brawl are not yet clear; fortunately no passenger or worker was involved, also thanks to the promptness of the train manager on duty who, realizing the seriousness of the situation, removed all the passengers, isolating the two and immediately alerted the police.

However, it was not possible to identify the two protagonists, because they quickly fled before the police arrived”, writes the CGIL in a note.

“This is yet another episode that demonstrates the lack of safety that exists on trains and in particular on provincial lines”, denounce Franco Pinna with Alberto Sicari of Filt Cgil del Trentino. “Today – they add – on the routes covered by the Pat service contract there is only one police office in the Trento station, there are no longer police escorts on trains, in particular on the Valsugana line where no later than Friday 28 the train manager had to call the police because of a disruptive traveler, creating delays and cancellations among other things. The Valsugana line, in summer thanks to the Caldonazzo and Levico lakes, records a considerable number of passengers, however in several cases we have been informed of disruptive travellers in a state of altercation even before boarding the train who then show their worst side once on board. This is therefore not just a problem limited to the train but has transformed into a social problem, we therefore ask that the Pat and the institutions implement a preventative structural plan that allows such situations to be monitored upstream”.

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