Salis, Daniele Capezzone against his father: “He offends but he shoots at random”

Salis, Daniele Capezzone against his father: “He offends but he shoots at random”
Salis, Daniele Capezzone against his father: “He offends but he shoots at random”

The newly elected to the European Parliament Ilaria Salis responded to the controversy sparked by her membership of the housing movements and to the requests of Aler, the body that manages public housing in the Lombardy Region, for 90 thousand euros in arrears because she was found in an occupied house in 2008. “Whoever enters an uninhabited house takes without taking away from anyone except degradation, racketeering and property developers”, he wrote in a long post on his social profiles. “The movement to fight for housing – she continued – has always acted with the strength of legitimacy given by the simple principle that we must all have a roof over our heads. This is the crux of the matter, the topic on which we are all called to express ourselves and decide what we collectively want.” The topic was launched on the debate table on Tg4. Guest in connection, Daniele Capezzone was very clear.

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Ilaria Salis is, according to the editorial director of Libero, “a gentlewoman accused of going around Europe with left-wing extremist groups to attack right-wing extremist groups”. “We are all committed to the investigations, to the chains. God forbid. Now, however, they have nominated her. We understood that the trial had to go forward. Instead it seems that she wants to escape that trial and we are already doing badly”, the reporter said. Then, recalling Libero’s investigation, which shed light on the occupation of the house by the MEP, Capezzone continued: “You say it was only seen once. No. People say they saw it for many years and at least until before Covid.” Finally, his father, Roberto Salis, also ended up in the sights of the editorial director of the newspaper: “He spends his time offending, but he shoots at random”, he added and wrote on X.

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