Cardona, ‘saw duel in hotel in Trieste, we need Joe’

Cardona, ‘saw duel in hotel in Trieste, we need Joe’
Cardona, ‘saw duel in hotel in Trieste, we need Joe’

(ANSA) – TRIESTE, JUNE 30 – “I watched the debate at 4 in the morning in my hotel. I am convinced that what our president has done in these years are the things we need: cheaper medicine, access to education, improved infrastructure. What the president has done speaks for itself.” This was said by the US Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, yesterday, at the end and on the sidelines of the G7 Education summit. Talking to journalists, Cardona also spoke about Trump: “A person who has been convicted, who talks about wanting to be a dictator, who wants to fight with everyone.

We have to realize that we have normalized behaviors that are unacceptable for kindergartners,” he stressed. “To me what we need to think about is continuing to work on the priorities that Americans care about, and that’s what we will continue to do.” One of the things Joe Biden prides himself on – added Cardona – is that he is opening the doors of university education. University allows for better opportunities but not everyone has the same opportunities, as we said in the G7. Another thing we are focusing on is teacher salaries. We are working to grant debt relief to teachers, to encourage students to choose the profession. In short, we want education to be a cornerstone not only of the campaign but also what we are most proud of, it is what the growth of a country is based on, therefore we want to support students and educators”. These are shared principles from all G7 participants: “Even though we come from different countries and have different ideological positions and come from different parties, we all support students. We have more things in common than those that divide us”, he concluded. (ANSA)..

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