Sorbello (GdF Siena): “Institutional synergy is fundamental on PNRR controls”

Sorbello (GdF Siena): “Institutional synergy is fundamental on PNRR controls”
Sorbello (GdF Siena): “Institutional synergy is fundamental on PNRR controls”

“If last year, as soon as I arrived, I considered myself privileged to have been assigned to Siena, today I can say that I am in love with this unique city”.

The commander reiterated this Siena Financial Police Pietro Sorbello guest tonight on “Square with a view“, Siena TV’s Paliesca evening broadcast.

“As economic-financial police, the Guardia di Finanza must guarantee that the economic fabric is healthy, free from infiltration – added the commander -. We defend everything that has value in this territory, in particular the leading sectors, namely the pharmaceutical, tourism, agri-food and camper sectors. It is normal for crime to want to creep in where there are precious resources and for this reason it is important to do prevention. Another important sector of activity is that of public spending and the management of PNRR resources. Over 100 contracts worth more than 85 million euros have been checked so far, verifying that no irregularities have been committed. I am happy to highlight the important synergy with the institutions (the two universities, municipality, province, Sienese university hospital company, South East Local Health Authority and so on) to

The action against the exploitation of labor and gangmastering is also important, thanks to the synergy with the Carabinieri and among the main areas of action of the Fiamme Gialle, there is the fight against tax evasion and the protection of the markets”.

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