Young father of baby girl dies

Young father of baby girl dies
Young father of baby girl dies

San Felice (Modena), 1 July 2024 – A Bloody Dawn that arose on Sunday in the countryside of San Felice on the Panarowhere around 7.30 the firefighters were forced to intervene after on the Marzana roadin the locality of Dogaro, the driver of a car died after ending up in the roadside ditch with his vehicle: the victim is the young man Diego Carforaresident in Emilia Finalthirty-four years old and father of a little girl.

According to the first reconstructions of the tragedy, carried out on site by the police, the car – a Ford Focus – went off the road for reasons still under investigation, and then ended its run first hitting a wooden pole of the telephone line and then ending up against a concrete product. The crash was terrible, leaving no escape for the man, who was alone inside the passenger compartment at the time. No other vehicles or people were involved in the terrible accident: the 34-year-old should, in fact, have lost control of your car for reasons that are still being ascertained. In addition to the Carabinieri and Firefighters who removed the doors to free the driver, the 118 and Anpas rescuers also intervened on the scene.

A passerby, who saw the crashed vehicle, raised the alarm, but unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done for the 34-year-old: the man died tragically on the spot. Together with the Carabinieri to carry out the surveys and block traffic on the Marzana road, the local police also intervened. While the Paltrinieri funeral service intervened to transport the body to the mortuary.

It is therefore another life that was lost along the roads of our territory: according to data from the Road Safety Observatory, up to 3 June, 17 people had died for road collisions (in detail, four motorists, a driver of heavy goods vehicles, five motorcyclists, a cyclist, five pedestrians and a bus passenger) in the province of Modena. Of these seventeen fatal accidents, four (equal to 24%) occurred due to ‘autonomous exit from the road’ without colliding with any other vehicle.

A tragic scenario. A plague of accidents which, unfortunately, has not stopped and continues to bleed today. “I had known Diego for at least 15 years – says a friend – you can practically say that I watched him grow up. Only last weekend we met at the swimming pool, he was a good boy, father of a little girl. A golden person, with so much desire to do.”

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