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European, Naples, irony and regrets: Spalletti? Whoever leaves fails. Di Lorenzo stays

The memes were wasted: the elimination of Italy for the fans of Aurelio De Laurentiis (who are logically also Napoli fans) was the opportunity to “unmask” LucianOne and transform him into another former Azzurri player like Ventura but it also gave the impetus to fuel their thesis to those who maintain that it is Napoli “that makes great coaches and footballers and not vice versa”.


Thus, we did not limit ourselves to commenting on the social reactions of Immobile’s brother or Matteo Politano but we returned to old topics dear to the “groupies” of the Napoli president: Sarri, Higuain and even Hamsik were often pointed out as ” traitors” who left Vesuvius behind and then failed. In reality, it wasn’t like this because everyone won more than something (Europa League, championships, Turkish championship) but for the Neapolitan supporters the “goodbye curse” struck again, so much so that many have ruled that at this point Di Lorenzo will do well to return to more gentle advice because saying goodbye to Napoli and Napoli is never the right choice.


In short, the elimination of Italy with Spalletti in the dock has obviously caused discussion in these parts but precisely with the usual irony and with a touch of regret for what could have been and was not: “Spalletti left a winning project for a poor national team” wrote many fans in the various groups that rage on social media and in fact Napoli’s terrible 2023-24 season combined with Italy’s premature farewell to the European Championship has increased the regrets of those who – after the scudetto 2023 – it was expected that the blue club could open a cycle destined to last over time. Thus, between those who invited Spalletti to now take the famous sabbatical and those who instead tried to defend him with drawn sword by throwing the cross on the players, the party of those who “in the divorce between De Laurentiis and Spalletti, in the end, they both lost.” And so be it.

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