“We must break the pact between the bourgeoisie and the Camorra”

“We must break the pact between the bourgeoisie and the Camorra”
“We must break the pact between the bourgeoisie and the Camorra”

There is not economic power that does not feed on social, popular consensus. There is no criminal power that does not have support in parts of civil society. There are no mafias without the support of parts of the city bourgeoisie.

He is talking about pieces – it is important to clarify this – not the whole, the prosecutor of Naples Nicola Gratteri. And it is the head of the prosecutors of the Centro direzionale who tells his experience as an investigator in Naples: «I did not imagine finding this level of evolution of the entrepreneurial Camorra», he explained in presenting the blitz that allowed the discovery of the treasure of the Camorra branded Alleanza di Secondigliano.

Four in the cell (Patrizio is there Bosti, Ettore and Flora Bosti, Luca Esposito), millions of euros found in a bunker, entire apparently clean companies that allowed money laundering. And to infiltrate dirty money into the nodes of the clean economy. There is a pact that needs to be dissolved, the one between some white-collar workers and the Camorra SpA. Gratteri explained: «The mafias exist because they relate to power, if there are no interests then the mafias do not exist, they exist when there are interests with mafias and entrepreneurship».

Money laundering mechanisms that require skills, that require know-how, to launder dirty money and put it to good use. The colonel of the Financial Police Paolo Consiglio, to tell the Esposito method: «It is the result of very advanced fraud and money laundering schemes that employed companies that were only active on paper and operated in various economic sectors, from waste to electronics». Paper companies. A mountain of completely fictitious corporate apparatuses, in which to shield illicit proceeds. And the prosecutor insists once again on the role of those who do not shoot, do not kill, do not hold a gun, but allow criminal cartels in Naples to be strengthened: «I was surprised by the Camorra, which I found strong and evolved especially on an entrepreneurial level», he underlined.

The colander

But there is another sore point on which the head of the Naples Prosecutor’s Office. And that is what concerns the difficulty in breaking the relationships between bosses and clans, between the top subjects of the respective mafia organizations and their criminal background. Even the investigation that culminated in the arrests of these days is quite clear on one point: the hard prison did not isolate the bosses; it did not prevent the transfer of information, nor did it block orders from the cell to the alley. From the respective cells, Patrick Bosti forced his son-in-law to retrace his steps, to retract his statements; the same accusations against Ettore, son of the boss Patrizio, also in hard prison. Both would have transmitted their orders outside the cells, being able to count on the role of Flora, who would have taken care of the managerial aspects on the territory. He explained yesterday Attorney Gratteri: “The operation we have carried out shows that 41bis does not work”. And again: “We must ask ourselves who has reduced 41bis to these conditions, with such loose meshes – said Gratteri according to whom this prison regime has undergone changes that have weakened it – There have been circulars, directives and changes over the years that have reduced it to these conditions. Now we should go backwards, understand who is responsible”.

The mail

Prison violated or sieve, the one charged to the Bosti it is not the only critical frontier, speaking of isolation. Just a week ago, seizures were triggered against individuals believed to be linked to the Lo Russo clan, among those under investigation stands out the figure of Oscar Pecorelli, long detained in Milan. According to the Naples DDA (investigation conducted by the prosecutor Maria Sepe), Pecorelli allegedly organized real summits via illegal chats that started from his cell. He allegedly exploited the role of his wife (under investigation at large) to summon his collaborators (usury, drugs, money laundering) and dictate orders. And that’s not all. Pecorelli (who is not the recipient of a precautionary measure that was notified to some of his affiliates, ed.) also allegedly used the email method. He is a common prisoner, he is serving a sentence for murder, he is confined in the Milanese prison of Operawhen he allegedly took advantage of the use of emails granted by the prison administration. Emails that – according to investigators – could contain information (if not orders) to be transferred outside. The names change, but the scenario is the same: “I never thought – insists Gratteri – that in 2024 I would be dealing with the loose meshes of the hard prison”.


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