«My brother got cancer at Ilva»

«My brother got cancer at Ilva»
«My brother got cancer at Ilva»

«Laf building»directorial debut of Michele Riondinogoes beyond national borders to arouse interest at an international level. The film was showcased by the Mediterrane Film Festival in Malta and theItalian Film Festival a Boston e Detroit. And he also continues to collect prizes. After i three Davids by Donatellothe film won over five Silver Ribbons: an award for the producers, for the best screenplay by Riondino with Maurizio Brauccifor best leading actor (again Riondino), best supporting actor Elio Germano and the best original song for “My Land” by Diodato. The film is set inex Ilva of Tarantothe director’s city, and tells a true story of mobbing.
Riondino, the takings of your film are close to one million euros. An unexpected budget.
“I dreamed of this result at night, it only happened in dreams. I am the first to be amazed and surprised. I am very happy with how this story has intrigued different categories of the public, with the theaters packed, but also the sector of professionals. Producers and distributors were worried about the subject, not being used to seeing this type of story at the cinema anymore”.
We have returned to talking about unrelated deaths in the case of the Indian Satnam Singh, a laborer in the Agro Pontino, who died after being abandoned in front of his house in agony by his “master”, Renzo Lovato, who attributed the responsibility for the accident to ” a lightness” of the worker that “cost everyone dearly”.
“This statement makes me very angry. In my film, at the beginning, the protagonist, Caterino, blames a worker who died by saying that it happened because he was unable to work. It’s a strong joke, but significant. A Taranto that’s how we reason. And there’s too much hypocrisy. The representatives of the National Youth declare: “Never again deaths”. Once the cameras are off, they are free to say what they think. Even in large companies, in public, they denounce the neglect, the lack of safety. In practice, nothing changes. The unions have been repeating for years: “Never again deaths at work”. And yet, every day someone loses their life. It means that they are not doing what they should be doing”.
And what should be done?
«Laws to punish companies that do not respect minimum safety parameters. I have been collaborating with theInailpromoting events, concerts, interventions in schools. The government and the unions should act sooner. It is better to prevent a worker from dying, rather than having to help the widow afterwards”.
Speaking of Gioventù Nazionale, an investigation by Fanpage has brought to light anti-Semitic and racist insults, Roman salutes and exaltation of Nazism by militants. What is your opinion?
«You already know what I think, but I prefer to concentrate on my film».
She took the Ilva situation to heart because her father, her brother and her uncles worked there. Do you know anyone who has become ill?
«My brother. He is under constant monitoring now and is fine, but he worked in the same plant as Caterinothe coke plant. The birth of the disease is attributable, in his case as in that of many other workers, to working in close contact with burned coal; they breathed, ate and drank there. According to the doctors, colon cancer is a direct consequence. I know several people who didn’t make it, it’s a war bulletin. Our phone calls, in Taranto, don’t start with a “Hello, how are you?”, but with a “How are you…? Did you have your period? How are you reacting?”.
Recently, in Taranto, there was a meeting between Carlo Rienzi, president of Codacons, and Fedez, who after many court battles have decided to collaborate for the health of citizens. The rapper announced a donation for pediatric oncohematology. Real charity or advertising?
«We asked ourselves the question too. We don’t want to take attention away from Taranto, it’s good that we talk about it. However, I don’t know what happened Fedez to do and how he will do it. It is strange that he arrived without warning us, without addressing those who have been dealing with the problem for decades, like us who organize theOne May Taranto. In the past we have called Fedez several times to perform on stage and we have never received consideration. I am happy that you are now making a donation where there are doctors and nurses who should be sanctified because they are fighting a war on the front lines. I invite everyone to take a tour of the oncology departments, a place of death where you can breathe a humanity that is good for the heart. As for the alliance with the Codaconswe could have organized a wrestling match in the square in Taranto and we could have raised much more.”
Ai David declared that the success of «Palazzina Laf» is also due to his wife Eva Nestori, a make-up artist.
“We almost never work together. In fact, we didn’t meet on the set, but through a mutual friend who married us. However, my first consultation is hers, she helps me understand the face, the somatic traits of the characters.”
And now he dreams of an Oscar?
«But no (smiles, ed.). I dream of finding another important story to tell, a second “Palazzina Laf”. This is my biggest dream.”

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