“My face is the Madonna”

“My face is the Madonna”
“My face is the Madonna”

by Laura Valdesi

“Are you looking for me? I haven’t done anything special,” says the 18-year-old student who ‘lent’ her face to the Madonna del Drappellone mistico by Giovanni Gasparro, both surprised and amused. “I always use real people for my works,” the artist told La Nazione. The young woman with curly black hair framing her face, surrounded by angels, is Eleonora Sabatino. She lives in Cellamare di Bari, and turned 18 last October. And she has never set foot in Siena. “But now I’ll watch the live broadcast on July 2, I didn’t know anything about your celebration. And I’ll definitely come and visit Siena with my family,” says the young woman. She’s waiting to find out the results of her high school graduation exams. “I’ll enroll in university to study psychology, but I’d like to work in the communications sector,” she explains.

Let’s go in order, only child?

“Exactly. My father Nicola is from Puglia, my mother is of Campania origins”.

The lineage from San Pio da Pietrelcina derives from the latter.

“He was a cousin of my mother’s grandfather whose surname is In fact Forgione.”

A very particular coincidence, given that she ‘lent’ her face to the Virgin in Gasparro’s mystical Palio. How did you meet the artist?

“I didn’t know him. He acted as an intermediary for a friend of my mother, who was looking for a model to paint the Madonna. They told him about me. Having seen the photo, he asked if there was availability”.


“Of course, it’s not a common thing. An honor. I accepted immediately. Some photos were taken of me which he used for his work.”

Did you like the Palio?

“A strange sensation to see my face portrayed and then with that veil. A surprise, of course I was impressed. It’s gratifying.”

Had you seen him before he was taken to Siena?

“Absolutely not! I discovered it on June 26th as it came.”

He was very faithful in reporting his facial features.


What do his parents say?

“Very happy. Maybe they are even more aware than me because they had already heard about the Palio di Siena”.

The Contrada that wins the Drappellone may invite her to the victory dinner.

“(Smiles, ed.). It’s all new to me. Maybe after seeing the Palio on July 2nd I will be able to have other sensations and emotions.”

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