the obligation falls but the health director can maintain it

Masks: not mandatory but strongly recommended. The ordinance that extended the obligation to have safety devices in hospital departments with fragile patients and in social health residences and hospices until June 30th expired, and today, July 1st, the Ministry of Health has released a circular in which he declares

“evaluated the current clinical-epidemiological trend of SARS-CoV-2 infection and influenza-like syndromes, the availability of vaccines against the main acute respiratory viral infections, the increased diagnostic capabilities and the scientific evidence on the effectiveness of personal protective equipment to reduce viral transmission, It is recommended to the Health Directors, as holders of the health and hygiene functions, evaluate the opportunity to arrange the use of respiratory protective devices in their contexts.

As for the staff, the Health Directors will implement every measure related to the protection of their health.

In facilities where there is no Health Director (e.g. day centres, communities, etc.) it is up to the legal representative of the Institution, in agreement with the competent doctor, to identify the appropriate protection measures.


Also The Lombardy Region intervened by leaving freedom of disposition to the health directors:

Please note that ordinary prevention and control activities for the spread of infectious diseases in healthcare facilities I am in charge of the Health Directorate; for Social Health Facilities, such as RSA and RSD, where there is no Health Director, these functions are carried out by the responsible doctor, if present. The implementation of the IPC measures necessary to guarantee a healthy environment and reduce the risk of infection is therefore referred to them.

As far as you are concerned tampons, the note from the Region states

  • With regard to carrying out tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2, without prejudice to the autonomy of the Facilities, it is recommended:
    • performing diagnostic tests in all patients with febrile respiratory syndromes;
    • performing screening tests in the following settings:
      or for hospitalizations (pre-hospitalization and in the Emergency Room) in the haematology, oncology, transplant and pregnancy pathology departments;
      or for all new admissions to residential social health care units in the event of an indication from the facility doctor, where applicable, or from the attending physician;
    • the modulation of this activity based on the regional and local epidemiological situation, and on an accurate assessment of the risk of diffusion.


Health facilities

It is appropriate to give an indication of access to only one visitor at a time (only one visitor per patient inside the hospital room at the same time). It is possible, only in some cases selected by the Health Management, to grant access to more than one person at the same time (e.g. parents in the case of a minor visitor, patient with serious disabilities).

Each healthcare facility – after checking its own organizational and structural limitations – will guarantee access at least twice a day or in any case greater availability of visiting hours, including during meal times.

Residential Social Health Facilities
Visiting hours must comply with the requirements for operation/accreditation according to the specific typologies. With regard to the number of visitors authorized to access, please refer to the requirements for operation/accreditation provided for in the specific regulations.
The Health Director or responsible doctor, where applicable, has the right to regulate the flow of visitors in particular and motivated situations, communicated to the competent ATS (e.g. internal outbreaks of infectious diseases that can spread). Where the requirements do not include a Doctor, this function of regulating visits must be carried out by the person in charge of the Offer Unit, based on the indications of the ATS, informed of any outbreaks.

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