Unesco Network City of Gastronomy, the Province of Trapani is a Candidate

Unesco Network City of Gastronomy, the Province of Trapani is a Candidate
Unesco Network City of Gastronomy, the Province of Trapani is a Candidate

The candidacy process for the entire territory of the province of Trapani has officially begun to the UNESCO network of creative cities for gastronomy. An extraordinary tool to enhance the area of ​​western Sicily, its products, its uniqueness and the professionalism present. In recent weeks the Western Sicily Tourist District has promoted presentation meetings to share the candidacy project with institutional representatives, sector associations and tourist operators and has gathered great interest and participation in a shared candidacy which would increase the prospects of the entire sector in various fields, not only food and wine but also social, cultural and youth employment. Municipalities, University Centre, Asp, Chamber of Commerce, Free Municipal Consortium of Trapani and many private entities have expressed their willingness to join the initiative which represents a great opportunity for international visibility and relaunch for the province. In fact, if the candidacy is accepted, Trapani would be the first city in southern Italy to enter the “UNESCO network of creative cities”.

The path includes several stages that will end in May 2025 when the dossier will be presented to the Italian National Commission Unesco. At the moment, in the 7 clusters (Crafts and Folk Arts, Media Arts, Cinema, Design, Literature, Music and Gastronomy) the Italian cities present in the network of Unesco creative cities are 14 (Bologna, Fabriano, Turin, Parma, Rome, Alba, Carrara, Milan, Pesaro, Bergamo, Biella, Como, Modena and Bolzano), and they work together with the aim of placing creativity and cultural industries at the center of their development plans at a local level and actively cooperating at an international level. At a global level, there are a total of 350 creative cities. To date, the Italian creative cities for Gastronomy are Parma, Alba and Bergamo.

“The goal is ambitious, we are aware of that. We want to unite all the great food and wine cultural heritage of our land and enhance it with a vision project based on the values ​​that UNESCO pursues and which we can find in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. – comments Rosalia D’Alì, president of the Western Sicily District – The project has received widespread approval in the various meetings we have promoted in recent weeks and the challenge has already started. It is essential to all be united to achieve the goal.” “This is an important stage in the growth path for the province – recognized the many municipal administrators who have embraced the project – which, with the UNESCO recognition of creative city for gastronomy, will be able to make an important leap forward in terms of visibility and credibility at a national and international level”. The candidacy project will be coordinated by Cristiano Casa of PA Studio who, as councilor of the Municipality of Parma, followed the candidacy of the Emilian city as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy and who in 2015 obtained the recognition and collaborated in the birth of the Creative City of Gastronomy District.

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