«Ambulance only 3 and a half hours after the stabbing»

A short, sharp multipurpose blade pierced the vital organs of this frail boy whose fat reserve was just three millimeters. The stabbing of Christopher Thomas Luciani is no longer a puzzle from a medical-legal perspective (even though the full report from the doctor appointed by the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office will be filed in sixty days). But if new answers emerge from the expert, Cristian D’Ovidio, the main investigative knot remains to be solved: was everything possible done to help him? Are there other responsibilities at stake, for example the failure to help by someone? We must then return to the events of that afternoon, June 23, in the Baden Powell park in Pescara.

When “Crox”, as the boy stabbed by his friends is nicknamed here in Rosciano, lies with his face in the bush. After having stabbed him with twenty-five blows – fifteen to the back, six to the right side, three to the left and one to the buttock, as recorded by the coroner – the boys kick him and humiliate him by spitting. It is around five thirty. “Crox” is wheezing. The group moves to the beach where, among other things, they will get rid of the knife. It is now nine o’clock, however, when this phone call is recorded between a 112 operator and a 113 worker, the emergency services in short: “One of our officers called me, a lieutenant colonel, this one is on site in via Raffaello, at Baden Powell park and now I’ve even sent the ambulance, except that you should send a patrol of yours because it’s your sector…”.

Approximately three and a half hours later, help has not yet arrived and the flying team rebuilds. And the ideas are far from clear: “He says that his son, his son, around 6pm saw someone else being stabbed, a non-EU citizen.” Between these two moments – that of the murder and that of the arrival of the rescue patrol – there is the psychodrama of Pietro (fictitious name), the companion who, one step away from feeling ill after having witnessed the event, decides to turn to the father. The latter carries out an inspection and subsequently alerts the police. But could Christopher Thomas, stabbed, shot, humiliated, have been saved with an ambulance arriving at the right time? This is the question that the prosecutors of the minors’ prosecutor’s office will have to answer.

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