Weather Alert Friuli Venezia Giulia: heavy rains and thunderstorms

Weather Alert Friuli Venezia Giulia: heavy rains and thunderstorms
Weather Alert Friuli Venezia Giulia: heavy rains and thunderstorms

The Civil Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia has issued ayellow weather warning valid from 1pm today until 11.59pm tomorrow, Monday 1 July, for heavy rains con widespread thunderstorms. Possible showers and some afternoon thunderstorms are expected until this evening in the mountains and plains. Some isolated stronger thunderstorms are possible.

Tomorrow the weather will be unstable with probable showers and widespread thunderstorms with heavy rain, more frequent in the plains and mountains. Some strong thunderstorms with locally heavy rain will also be possible.

The occurrence of these meteorological events can lead to local crisis situations in the minor hydrographic and urban drainage network, local slope instability phenomena, local traffic interruptions and problems related to possible gusts of wind during storms.

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