Busto, cabinet reshuffle between choices and knots still to be untied – Varesenoi.it

Busto, cabinet reshuffle between choices and knots still to be untied – Varesenoi.it
Busto, cabinet reshuffle between choices and knots still to be untied – Varesenoi.it

Rumors of a cabinet reshuffle have been hovering over Palazzo Gilardoni for some time, but any possible intervention had been postponed while waiting to know the outcome of the elections. “After the European elections,” was the refrain that introduced every discussion, while waiting for the “coupon” on the balance of power in the center-right. And, above all, while waiting to know the result of the Bustocca MEP of the Lega Isabella Tovaglieri.
Which, with a shower of preferences that earned her reconfirmation in Brussels, has opted out of any guessing game regarding the executive led by Mayor Emanuele Antonelli.

Few certainties

One less thought for the mayor and above all for the secretariat of the League, called to sacrifice the position of one of its three councilors destined for the Brothers of Italy. Not so much for the exponential growth recorded by Giorgia Meloni’s party, but for the arrival of former Northern League member Massimo Rogora among its ranks. Since September 2022, the civic assembly has in fact four “Brothers” and three Northern League members. On the council, however, there are three councilors from the League (the deputy mayor Manuela Maffioli, Paola Reguzzoni and Giorgio Mariani) and only one exponent of the Brothers of Italy (in addition to the mayor): Daniela Cerana. Barring surprises, the only certainty, three weeks before the vote, remains this. For the rest, the party secretariats are grappling with dilemmas that are still unresolved. With the exception of Forza Italiawhich with Laura Rogora expresses the president of the municipal council, a de facto “untouchable” figure, but no assessor.

The League’s awkward position

Lega is taking its time but sooner or later it will find itself in the uncomfortable position of indicating the name to be removed from the council. At the moment, the most solid position seems to be that of the deputy mayor Maffioli.
Until recently, the person suspected of giving up his seat was Mariani, councilor forUrban planning. A subject that the League does not want to loseas publicly declared by Isabella Tovaglieri, who also held this delegation before arriving in Europe for the first time.
The stance taken by the MEP and city councilor was not exactly an assist for the other Northern League councilor Paola Reguzzoni, responsible for Social Services. Also because the will of the mayor Antonelli, at least initially, was to don’t “reshuffle” the delegations too. But, at this point, it is not certain that in addition to the new entries there may not be some adjustments to the matters of competence. Therefore, uncertainty still reigns in via Culin. And it will be necessary to understand if the final decision will concern exclusively the city section or if the provincial secretariat will also come into play in the end led by Andrea Cassani.

FdI, Folegani in pole

For a Northern League member who leaves there is a “Brother” who enters. And the strong name is that of the current council group leader Luca Folegani, already a candidate in the last regional elections and with a long militancy behind him.
Her “quotations” would have surpassed those of Claudia Cozzi, vice president of the city council, who seems destined to continue to sit among the councilors.
I said di questioning the permanence in the executive of the current FdI councilor, Daniela Cerana. And, actually, the club in via Daniele Crespi (at least part of it) seems to be oriented in this direction. However, Mayor Antonelli, himself a member of Fratelli d’Italia, has a different opinion.
The latter, also for a question of competence, intends to leave Cerana, a teacher and vice-principal of the classical high school, in her position as councilor for education.
However, we must not forget the gender quota constraintwhich could reshuffle the cards again if the League were to give up a female assessor. This is also why the Brothers are awaiting their allies’ moves with a certain impatience.

Civic divided

There is also excitement within the Antonelli list. The mayor’s civic list, by virtue of its success in the administrative elections, can count on the largest group, with six councilors and three assessors: Maurizio Artusa, Salvatore Loschiavo and Mario Cislaghi.
Antonelli’s intention seemed to be to confirm the first two. But in recent days, Cislaghi emerged strengthened from a debate among the elected officials of the civic body. The majority of whom expressed themselves in favor of “saving” the current Personnel assessor if the reshuffle directly affected this list. A possibility that a part of the group “does not appreciate”. While there are those – Matteo Sabba and Alex Gorletta – who at this point would not disdain an entry into the council.

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