possible flooding of Dora and torrents

possible flooding of Dora and torrents
possible flooding of Dora and torrents

To the ‘yellow’ hydrogeological alert issued yesterday for today throughout the regional territory of the Aosta Valley, a hydraulic alert is now added, of the same level, valid only for the central valley and the lower valley.The most intense thunderstorms, expected in all regional areas starting from this afternoon until late evening, could trigger – we read in the bulletin published today by the Regional Functional Center – problems with water disposal networks, debris flows on small mountain basins, solid transport phenomena, rock falls and superficial landslides, causing interruptions to traffic and localized damage”.

Having evaluated the current state of saturation, snow melting and expected precipitation, there may be increases in hydrometric levels such as to cause bank erosion phenomena and isolated flooding on the lateral streams and close to the campaign plan on Dora Balteastarting from this evening until the early hours of tomorrow”, it is still read.

From a meteorological point of view, “a cold front will pass during the course of today favoring disturbed conditions, harbingers of showers even thunderstorms, favored by the presence of humid and unstable air. Although the instability will last for a few days, the most intense phenomena should be limited to today”.

For tomorrow, Sunday 30 June, the regional weather office predicts “clearing in the morning with cumulus activity in the afternoon associated with possible local showers, generally of weak intensity”.

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