Ein Prosit! Turin Launches Paulaner Oktoberfest and Scares Democratic Censors

Ein Prosit! Turin Launches Paulaner Oktoberfest and Scares Democratic Censors
Ein Prosit! Turin Launches Paulaner Oktoberfest and Scares Democratic Censors

Ein Prosit, ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit. Beer, Munich, songs in German. The gang of frothing-at-the-mouth journalists – and with limited knowledge of history – will already be ready to monitor any politically incorrect behavior. But Turin still launches its first edition of the Oktoberfest, from 19 October to 3 November. Not one of the many Bavarian-style parties that already take place in various parts of Italy, but a sort of miniature Oktoberfest, also because it will be an official Paulaner event, the largest of the six beer brands admitted to the Munich festival.

Obviously, instead of the 7 million visitors in Bavaria, Turin would be satisfied with 200 thousand enthusiasts ready to crowd the Pellerina park where a pavilion, amusement park and various stands will be set up.

Not just beer, obviously, but also Bavarian menus created by 40 staff led by the chefs. And serving the tables will be dozens of young people in traditional Bavarian clothes.

Maria Luisa Coppa, president of Ascom Confcommercio, and Paolo Chiavarino, councilor for commerce of the city of Turin, emphasized the ties between the two cities, particularly attentive to traditions, culture, food and good drinking. In Turin too, beer is part of the traditions and local producers are invited to join the party at stands or with initiatives in restaurants in the subalpine area. What is missing in Turin, however, is a tradition in clothing that has transformed into a style for everyday clothes.

And what was missing from the interventions was a reference to those Alps which are part of the culture and traditions of both cities.

But the party will not be any less beautiful for this. “The party that loves everyone”, reiterated the organizer Carlo Pallavicini. But a party that perhaps scares Formigli, Berizzi, Trocino and full-time indignants.

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