Fortitudo Messina gives up on senior championships. It will focus on youth

Fortitudo Messina gives up on senior championships. It will focus on youth
Fortitudo Messina gives up on senior championships. It will focus on youth

The Fortitude Messina has officially communicated the decision to renounce participation in the senior championships for the 2024/25 sports season. “A choice – we read in the press release – hired mainly for generational reasons, which do not allow for the long-term vision that has always characterized the company’s work. A foresight that allowed Fortitudo Messina to do a splendid job with the class 2003, 2004 e 2005 who will now go to play outside or will have the opportunity to grow in other clubs, while others will continue their studies elsewhere”.

Mollica defends the Fortitudo basket in Reggio Calabria (photo Fortunato Serranò)

Confirming the keen interest shown by several players from the latest black-green roster, the negotiations already defined or in the process of being concluded during the first weeks of the market concern Matteo Mollicaarrived at the Basket School Messina, Mahmat Kader at Basketball Arezzo, Scott Nnabuife at Castelfiorentino ed Emmanuele Giannullo at Svincolati Milazzo.

“The club is taking a moment’s break, in recent years we have not felt protected in our participation in the senior championships. And for this reason we will spend all our future energies on an increasingly important growth of our own sector youthWe will participate in the championships of Excellencewe will be present in very prestigious national and international tournaments, with the aim of giving an opening and mental and basketball growth to our boys”.

Kader bids farewell to Fortitudo Messina (photo Andrea Pagano)

An agreement with another city club is being evaluated: “We believe so much in the development of our children born between 2009 and the 2013proof of this is the recent conquest of the regional title Under 14and also of our splendid ones “pink”. In the next few weeks we will communicate the new corporate structure, we are open to establishing a twinning with another important company from Messina, useful for broadening horizons and further growing our youth sector”.

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