Breaking news

Ivica Isakovic, 62, died shortly after admission to hospital

A man of 62 years old, Ivica Isakovic, from Isola Vicentina, has died in hospital for injuries sustained in a accident occurred late yesterday evening, Friday 28 June, on Provincial Road 46, in San Vito of Leguzzano.

The fight

It was around 10pm when two cars collided head-on in via Vicenza. The impact was extremely violent, so much so that both drivers were trapped inside the cockpits. The firefighters of the Schio detachment intervened and freed the motorists: the Serbian Isakovic, at the wheel of a Puntoit’s a 25 year old woman from Schio (SP) who drove a Citroen. Upon the arrival of the Suem medical staff it was clear that the man was in very serious conditions, so much so that he was rushed to San Bortolo hospital of Vicenza, where he was registered in red code: the death was declared shortly after admission. The young woman, however, was transferred with a yellow code to the Santorso hospital, where she is still hospitalized: her life is not in danger.

Surveys in progress

The cause of the frontal crash is not yet clearThe dynamics of the accident will be reconstructed by the findings of the local police “Alto Vicentino”, completed by two patrols that, coordinated with the Carabinieri, intervened on the accident.

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