Catanzaro Calcio, Changing of the Guard and Potential Strategies

Catanzaro Calcio, Changing of the Guard and Potential Strategies
Catanzaro Calcio, Changing of the Guard and Potential Strategies - ​​The Right To Know

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Paolo Bianco could be the new coach with whom to start the new technical project

CATANZARO – The contractual termination that took place yesterday between Mr. Vivarini and President Noto marked the end of the dispute that characterized this early summer, leaving the entire Giallorossi environment with a lot of bitterness for how the end of the relationship between (the ) Catanzaro and the coach from Abruzzo. There is little point in seeking answers to the many questions that fans have been asking themselves since June 11th, the day on which Mr. Vivarini expressed his desire to no longer wish to continue his adventure with the Eagles. From that moment on, much has been said, or rather, unsaid by both sides as each of them has tried to bring forward their own ideas and motivations without however revealing them openly. The ones who lost out in all of this, in addition to the club itself who found itself with its hands tied by not being able to plan the new season right away, were the fans who with deep bitterness and disappointment took note of the coach’s decision contrary to what they for everyone, the meeting on 11 June should have represented the moment for technical planning in view of the upcoming season. What has been done has therefore, however confusing the situation has been that has evolved over the last two weeks, we now need to quickly make up for lost time. President Noto, although disappointed and decidedly taken aback by the decision taken by Vivarini, was however not idle in appointing the two new directors, Polito and Morganti respectively DS and DG from whom it is necessary to start again for the choice of the new coach and dedicate completely to the transfer market whose doors will open on July 1st. His choice which apparently should be oriented towards Paolo Bianco who coached Modena last season. In fact, the Aquilani lead appears to be blurred as no agreement was reached with the former Pisa coach. The fact is that the new coach will inherit a hot bench after recent events.

As soon as the coach is made official, it will be essential to understand which path to pursue to set up a team which, with Vivarini’s departure, risks losing many valuable pieces that have contributed to Catanzaro’s fortunes in the last two years. However, it will be a squad whose primary objective is to maintain the category in a season that promises to be even more difficult than the one just ended.

Maurizio Martino

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