• Wonders of Calabria

• Wonders of Calabria
• Wonders of Calabria

The Palermiti Caves: In the Bowels of Calabria, a Bricklayer Discovers a Thousand-Year-Old Treasure [VIDEO]

In the depths of Calabria, a world yet to be discovered awaits to be revealed. The Palermiti caves, more than a simple archaeological find, represent the tangible evidence of hidden wealth of a region that never ceases to amaze. Experts and scholars rushed to the Catanzaro village to see, touch and understand these unexpected treasures. The discovery could rewriting the history of human settlements in Calabriaas archaeologists claim.

It all started from the curiosity of a local history enthusiast: Renzo Peronacia bricklayer who, following the red thread of memory and stories handed down from generation to generation, reached the caves. The village’s inhabitants had always known that the belly of the Catanzaro Serre It held traces and evidence of a distant past. Renzo gave voice to these memories, making them concrete and accessible to all. The entire Palermiti community then actively engaged to request the collaboration of the Archaeological Superintendencyin order to clarify the origin and value of these one-of-a-kind tracks. On Rai microphones, anthropologist Patrizia Giancotti and the Director of the Superintendency of Fine Arts of Catanzaro and Crotone Stefania Argenti.

The Palermiti caves are not only an archaeological site of great value, but also a symbol of tenacity and passion of a community that has been able to enhance its heritage. A warning to never underestimate the hidden wealth that lies in the territories, even in those apparently best known.

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