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Latina, the company: “New logo to be international”

Latina, the company: “New logo to be international”
Latina, the company: “New logo to be international”

A question of crests, of heart, of passions and… of marketing. Yesterday afternoon, in a climate that was nothing short of incandescent with at least fifty furious fans outside the gates of the Francioni stadium, the press conference was held, the first of the new season, to explain the much-discussed re-branding operation implemented by the Latina 1932 company. Present were the general manager Biagio Corrente, the marketing area manager Francesco Terracciano and connected via web the CEO of Modì, Daniele Botti. The new logo and the marketing project were the subject of the long conference, accompanied as mentioned by the chants of the boys of the Curva Nord.

The company’s will was reiterated by the words of those who took care of this operation in the first place: «Which started months ago and behind it hides a very long processing phase – said Francesco Terracciano – The objective is to export the name of Latina outside the city walls, to make it an international brand. Like any innovation, it was unfortunately not well received by our fans and we are very sorry for this. We probably made a mistake in communication, which we will certainly work on to improve as we are doing. Our fans are important to us and we did all this just for their good and that of the team and to make that fateful leap in quality that we hope for. We ask for time to demonstrate how far-sighted this project is.”

Biagio Corrente is on the same wavelength: «I can only say that in a few weeks we will present some important innovations, we want to take our brand to the next level, also aiming for attention outside the city. And we have done all this for the greater good, with the hard and long work of many. I can assure you of this. Those who think that our change was a lack of respect towards the fans, or an affront, are very wrong. It is exactly the opposite: we want to make this city take off outside our borders, take it to an international level».

However, the fierce protest of the hard core of the organized fans remains. Throughout the conference, chants against the ownership continued. In the press release of the fans, among other things, an accusation is made regarding having denied, during a private meeting between fans and the club some time ago, the possibility of a change of logo: “We cannot get into the merits of this – said Corrente and Terracciano – The management has never said this, but if there were rumors from within the club we are sorry and we will try to understand how this short circuit came about”.

The complete report on Latina Oggi on newsstands now

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