«This is what my Libertas will be like» The Tyrrhenian

«This is what my Libertas will be like» The Tyrrhenian
«This is what my Libertas will be like» The Tyrrhenian

MArco Andreazza, the man who brought the city of Livorno back among the greats of basketball. Have you recovered from your promotion hangover?

«Now I’m starting to realize the feat. Race-5 lasted ten months, I could even say longer: even if I wasn’t there at the start of the new Libertas journey, I’ve been here for a long time. Finals can be won or lost but the ball that enters or exits is the result not only of a right or wrong parable, but also of a path. We did well to improve, perfect seasons don’t exist, they become perfect later. We know we made a lot of people happy, that’s nice.”

How much is this promotion worth?

“A lot. Especially in relation to the growing strength of the B d’Eccellenza: the market news, the awareness of many companies that are calibrating themselves with foreigners, tell of an ever-increasing level. It will be increasingly difficult to win this championship. The leap came at the right time. If we had lost it would have been hard to start again, Libertas would have done it, with the right ambition, but it would have been difficult”.

You have entered the history of Livorno basketball…

«Even more than Livorno. The echo of the messages received and the national mass media make it clear that the city of Livorno deserved to return to A2. Without everyone’s contribution we wouldn’t have gotten anywhere. The work of the technical staff in these two and a half years of my management has been incessant, exhausting, we reached the end by spending nights working, breaking hairs, we changed the way we played two or three times both in attack and defense, and this evolution has made the difference.”

Yes, Libertas has changed a lot, even compared to the team you had in mind in the summer.

“You think about the teams, you put them together, then you have to train them. We had a handicapped start, we thought that some steps could be more gradual, but the musate accelerated the path”.

Speaking of musate: what happened in October?

“What I feared: we had accelerated the very last part of preparation to get ready and we had been quite brilliant in the first two games, suffering with Cassino and winning well in Omegna, but in the first midweek round our limits came out with 3 knockouts in 7 days. Perhaps, if we had lost one less, the problems that forced us to accelerate the growth path would not have been exposed”.

And so in the middle of autumn she too ended up in the balance. How was the day after the knockout with Crema?

«As an assistant I had experienced several dismissals from the head coach, I knew the climate and I didn’t see nice faces around me. After Crema I was the one who caused the situation. I said “Gentlemen, if I’m not the right coach, let me know, but if there’s trust, we’ll do it as I say”. The line of confirming me passed, we came out strengthened, I in the eyes of the players, and this is important, because in all groups people must understand where the leadership is, who commands. We were united, I had the dressing room on my side, the staff too, it was just a question of results. From there the winning cycle began».

What was the strength of the LL?

«Putting the I’s aside and looking at the we and truly having the great goal of winning the championship. The Cup final was a painful moment, I saw many of my veterans crying in the locker room, as if it were one of the last events to win.”

What happened there?

«The club was good, because they came to the locker room and told us “We want to win the championship, we won’t take a step back”. They made it clear to us that they would support us. Roberto, Dino, Yann, Luca all came, sports management and foundation united on the common goal. You can lose a dry final, but in Rome we played some of the best basketball of the season, the two Cup matches were of the highest level, one dominated, one lost in the end. From there we left for the second time. The first step was the post Crema, then the post Montecatini in the Cup and the third the post derby. Our three milestones.”

And technically what was the key? Roster depth, defensive strength, variety of attacking options?

“The defensive compactness has always been there, it was a team built to defend. We improved from a tactical point of view, which gave us ideas both in the end of the season and in the playoffs to keep up some games that hadn’t gone well. From an offensive point of view we changed the way we played several times, the intelligence was to put everyone in a position to give their individual contribution. We were pointed out as a team without a star and this allowed us to bring out the individuality within the system, each of our 10 players helped us win some games, it’s the most beautiful thing”.

What would you like to say to the Libertassi fans and the city of Livorno?

“Thank you. It is right for everyone to keep their emotions inside, I have received many thanks but it is I who thank them. The push of all the libertassians brought us to A2.”

He has suffered a lot of criticism. The fans on social media, but also professionals. Roberto Russo said she wouldn’t have wanted Williams. Others that instead of Terenzi he would have wanted a director, or that Saccaggi should have been sent away, or Ricci should not have been confirmed…

«There is freedom of opinion, once upon a time we talked at the sports bar, now all it takes is a click. We always experienced the fans’ criticisms with serenity, perhaps we were sorry that someone might not understand the moments of suffering. But criticism is part of the game, it’s also nice that someone among journalists and colleagues doesn’t think like you. There are those who have to make the choices and time tells whether they were right or not. What is certain is that since I arrived on February 5, 2022, I have chosen the players and I have not reconfirmed those who I have not reconfirmed, always putting my face to it.”

Even Ricci three days ago?

“I told the club which players were not part of a technical project that involves making decisions on the entire team included in a championship. The club listens to what the coach tells them. There are situations in which we are closer and discuss less, in others we discuss more, but when the club and coach communicate a choice to those directly involved, someone has to take responsibility and also some anathema.”

How difficult is it to make an A2 team compared to a B one?

“It’s more difficult, it’s a completely different championship, it’s back to being a single round and there’s no hope like in recent years of finding yourself in a weaker round and then mixing things up in the playoffs or playouts. Here on Sunday evening the standings look at you with a scowl as they say in Livorno. Then beyond the budget there are super-structured clubs, we’ll have to make sure we enter with great humility trying to understand where we are soon, this will have a price to pay. We hope to get rid of this original sin as soon as possible”.

Consigli said he relies heavily on her in the market.

«I’m pleased that Roberto and the club have faith in me, I try to experience the profession at 360 degrees, but I don’t like the figure of the coach manager too much. I propose technical choices and advice to improve the structure, then everyone carries out their own skills and responsibilities.”

What Libertas imagines?

“Galliarda, able to compete for a long and tiring path. No promises are made, it’s not right, but we will try to be also in A2 the Libertas that no one wants to meet. Mental toughness, humility, desire to compete: this is our verb”.

In what role do you imagine the two USAs?

“One in the wingers’ package and one in the longs package. They will be the last choice we make, given that the market is larger. First we will complete the Italian group, then the 11th and 12th, who will have to be young players who are already able to be in the training group.”

There will be two 2005s…

«They will have to be presented with a technical path and a reference championship, they can’t just do the 11th and 12th».

Are you thinking about C with Don Bosco?

«Even an inter-regional B in the area, we must aim for the highest possible level».

Will Tozzi play as a three?

«Initially yes. This is also why a few more sacrifices have been made on the exterior package. We need to increase physicality. I’m talking to Luca to show him the path, even if in modern basketball the division of roles is random.”

Despite having a good hand in front of the basket and penetration, he loves to receive in the low post. Will it have to be distorted?

“I think it’s a virtue. Even in A2 there aren’t many teams with a 3 with Tozzi’s structure. He’ll have to work hard in the summer, he’ll also dance in the 4 but I think he’ll be in the 3.”

Will Filloy play point guard or guard?

“Ariel is no longer a pure playmaker, on the contrary he has to keep the ball in his hands when it matters in the game or in the action. In our idea he will be relieved of construction tasks and will fit into the guards package. But he will be the one to tell me what is the best management to be 100% performing. Then you know that I like to change quintets, Ariel is a nice blue suit, you can wear it with everything”.

So, do we need an Italian playmaker?

“I would prefer it, but it’s not an easy market: there are young or very expensive profiles.”

Do you line up guard or small forward?

“I wouldn’t make a big distinction. Greg has characteristics to exploit when coming out of the blocks, on the exhausts, we’ll have to put him into play.”

Will Lucarelli (who will be operated on by Chiellini today, ed.) stay?

«I spoke to Jacopo. There is a close relationship. We would like to keep him close, treat him ourselves and when he is ready, with him, the doctors and the agent, do the best thing for him.”

He asked for confirmation of the long package in full. Why?

«Fantoni has spent 20 years in Serie A, he will just have to reposition himself but he is mentally tough, he will give us a huge hand. Fratto has already done the A2 in Chiusi on a route that resembles this, as a newly promoted everyone said that he couldn’t do it and instead he did it very well. On a moral and leaderhisp level, I don’t discover both.”

Buca is a gamble again.

«We won’t ask him for things from the other world, but in the minutes he has he will have an impact given his physicality. Despite his inexperience he will still be in a highly experienced department. Even the American we are looking for within the budget will give us security.”

The other debutant is Bargnesi, who she likes a lot.

«For the first time since he joined Libertas he can act as a spoiler from the bench, who comes in and without major responsibilities becomes effective».

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