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you return to swimming in 3 out of 7 sections

you return to swimming in 3 out of 7 sections
you return to swimming in 3 out of 7 sections

Ravenna, 28 June 2024 – Important news regarding temporary bathing bans active along the Romagna Rivieraimposed following the checks on the water quality performed by Harp in the last days. Of the 7 points where a ban on bathing has been imposed, in good 3 of these it was verified the return to the regulatory limits of the parameter relating to the presence of Escherichia Coli and, therefore, it is possible to return to the water.

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Transparent sea in Riviera: water analysis for the weekend

The news

Following a series of checks relating to water quality, carried out by Arpae il 24 and the 26 June in good 98 locations on the Rivieraa ban on bathing has been imposed 7 traits divided among the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena e Rimini. The provision was issued due to the presence of excessive values ​​of Escherichia Colihigher than the limits permitted by law.

A final check carried out by Arpae on the day of Thursday, June 27however, allowed us to find the return in regulatory limits of values ​​outside the norm in well 3 of the 7 traits affected dai measuresthus allowing people to return regularly water. The areas of precisely, have become suitable for swimming again San Mauro Mare (Forli Cesena), Rimini Marecchia mouth 50m north (Rimini) e Lido di Dante 300 m S mouth of the United Rivers (Ravenna).

However, the areas still remain above the permitted limits for Escherichia Coli Lido di Classe 100 m north mouth of the Savio river e Lido di Savio 150 m south mouth of the Savio river (Ravenna), San Mauro North Sea e Savignano (Forli Cesena).

Fines for the bathing ban: what happens to those who do not respect it

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