Banners and balloons for Simona’s farewell – Teramo

Banners and balloons for Simona’s farewell – Teramo
Banners and balloons for Simona’s farewell – Teramo

SAINT HOMER. There were many of them yesterday morning in the church of San Francesco a Garrufo to say goodbye to Simona Licanithe 40-year-old social-health worker of the ASL, aspiring nurse and mother of an 18-year-old girl, who died Tuesday in the Val Vibrata hospital in Sant’Omero due to a pulmonary embolism. A large banner (see photo) paid homage to her and at the exit of the coffin there was a flight of white balloons. At the end of the service, the head nurse of the Nephrology and dialysis unit of Teramo, where the woman worked, read a moving message on behalf of all her work colleagues. Many of Simona’s classmates were also present, who studied Nursing Sciences at the Teramo branch of the University of L’Aquila.
The death of the healthcare worker, originally from Teramo and resident in Garrufo, has caused great emotion in the Teramo community also for the gesture of the woman’s family, who when the brain death of their relative was declared, authorized the removal of her organs. Simona’s heart, liver, kidneys and corneas flew to various parts of Italy to give hope to at least four seriously ill patients.(red.te)

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